Now that we have the Mig 29 (1983+), Yak 141 (1991), SU-39 (SU-25 Modernization Prototype 2008)

Im hoping for the Sea Harrier FA2 soon. Will probbaly be outclassed still but should at least be fun unlike the F3. Providing it doesnt get gimped. Also rumours that we are getting a south african Gripen i dont think id be overly happy with that, but at least we’d have something playable. But yeah typhoon will be THE meta when its added which is why i think its going to be really late

I can tell you it won’t be THE meta because it will come later than it needs to, we will have the Typhoon when Russia gets the SU-35 or whatever their equivalent (+10 years) will be. With the SHFA2, my guess is that gaijin will make it an underpowered $70 USD premium

It wont be premium and i think it will be sooner rather than later.

4x Aim-9M and 2x AMRAAM will mean 12.3 minimum and they wont add a premium 12.3 within the next year ish. With britain only having 2x AMRAAM carriers before typhoon, then it will have to be sooner rather than later.

I also think the reason why the FRS1 is unfinished is because they are working on the FA2 at the same time and theyll release both together

But yeah, you are right about the Typhoon. Also no way in hell theyll give us meteor.

I’m doubting the FA2 will get AMRAAM tbh, do remember Britain tax

Yeah, but its the only option for britain with built in tax.

2-4x IR seekers (CM Bol rails conflict with ir, so one or the other, meaning limited CMs or Limited number of IR)

2x AMRAAM (or 4 with no IR seekers)

And 2 optional gun pods, but they are the same slots as the main AMRAAM pylons, so probably no guns on most set ups.

So Combine very limited hard points with the fact its sub sonic and has only unguided A2G weapons and it comes with britain tax prepaid.

I suppose you’re right, I am looking forward to it, as long as it is properly implemented, same as the Typhoon

Im 100% expecting to be butchered. Like just having the foxhunter radar from the F3, but at least it might be a fun jet. Though i doubt it will get 9M from start, probably only 9Ls and that is going to leave it rather underpowered in CQB.

But yeah, i fear the typhoon implementation

Britain probably won’t get the Typhoon until an update after Italy and Germany get it tbh

Im expecting Tornado Gr4 same update as germany and italy get Typhoon and then we get Typhoon 1 to 2 updates later

That’s what I was thinking, and I’m expecting the GR.4 to be only 1/3 finished as well

Yeah… Or really under-powered. It can only run 9Ls or ASRAAM, it couldnt take 9M. And its not going to be at a BR where 9Ls would be fine with Brimstone.

I can tell you they won’t give it ASRAAM, so guess we’re gonna be stuck with 9L again.

Yep… that is exactly my fear. Though if Brimstones aren’t butchered, we have those for A2A combat at least

We both know they are going to be about as effective as the Kormoran.

Yeah… we can dream though… also hoping for CBUs as well in the near future, but im guessing US/soviets first. Britain 6 months after

We’d be lucky for 6 months tbh, going off of when the Tornado was added

This is true

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first we need su27/mig25 and after the other nato planes ty.

russia shouldn’t get any new planes, until every other small nation catches up. In fact, I am not against giving a couple small nations a boost.

Here is how the following Jets would incorporate in our tech trees:
F15 is operated by USA, Isreal & Japan.
F15 Strike Eagle is operated by USA & Isreal.
F18 is operated by USA, Canada, & Finland.
F117a is operated by USA.
EF Typhoon is operated by Germany, Italy, and the UK.
AMX A11B is operated by Italy.
Tornado GR4 is operated by UK, Germany, and Italy.
Mitsubishi F1 is operated by Japan.
Mitsubishi F2 is operated by Japan.

I would actually like to see either Sweden/Finland, or Japan sit on top for 6 months. This could easily be done.

Sweden/Finland right now is missing:
Gnat Mk1
D112 Venom
Hawker Hunter

MD500C,D, E, & M
MI-8PS, & T

This could be a chance to let a smaller nation have it, but we know that won’t happen.

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cope usa shouldnt be getting any more planes either it got 4th top tier aircraft