Not getting any night battles?

3 days and not a single night battle after 40-50 matches. Feels literally impossible to get rewards. There should be an option to opt-into a night only game in ground rb or at least increase the chances of getting a night battle.


Probably not enough people with it turned on to quickly form a match.

The rewards are purely decorative, was always going to be hard to convince people with just cosmetics. Unless they have unique vehicle rewards, I don’t really see it changing.


Correct but I find it surprising that it is so difficult to find a night battle when everyone I’ve asked including randoms in the matches all say they have it turned on. I’d love to play a night map but they seem way too rare.


it s because mm not searching for other players who select it the mm just picks 32 people randomly if 31 people have yes to night battles but 1 person to much man baby and says no well you dont get night battle… I wonder how they even came up with this new idea without realizing that their MM would screw it up… Oh forgot to say im at 165 games with no night battle wonder what odds are of mm picking 32 randoms that all want it cause it not looking good and I bet I have a better chance of being hit by lightning maybe even being hit by lightning twice…


not only me im asking lobby every game and no no one had 1


we should have got a option where we could have a search for night battles only
I enjoy them if i don’t have a stock vehicle…


I don’t think they exist. Haven’t seen anyone mention them, say that they’ve had one, or even seen an image of one.



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hopefully a bug (and one that gets fixed)

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hope.2 . cuz icnt play a game good when im wayting something from a game

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Talking about it a lot already on the main thread. Please leave a comment over there guys, no need to keep opening new threads: Optional Night Battles for Ground Realistic Battles

Specifically my latest post with a bunch of screenshots attached asking people in matches if they have had a NB yet: Optional Night Battles for Ground Realistic Battles - #47 by W_Wolfe

If anyone here supports a NB only mode/queue, please leave a constructive comment on the official thread, cheers!


Odds are probably 0.1%. Check the link to my post above. I have only found about 3 people who have even had 1 match, out of hundreds of players, who have all done 50-100 games.

@wilberwinds1 check out my comment above

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Excellent! Please do us all a favor and leave a comment detailing your experience asking people if they have seen a NB yet. (Especially how many people total you found who actually had a NB.)

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no one .

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Same here,no night battles in 10.0 and 11.0. Played with swedes, germanss, ussr. There should be an option to only play night battles.

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Iam 20 battles now. Nothing

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yea .

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One of the mods implied they are aware, and to watch the news. So for now, just hang tight, I think we got their attention and no need to ping them more until we get an update =) They know many of us want GNB’s, I’m just crossing my fingers that they are working on a dedicated GNB queue instead of just a small chance =D


Yeah I have 500 hours in the game and never gotten a single night battle, 90% of the time I play 6.3-9.3

This is what happens when you make a feature opt-in instead of opt-out. I seriously don’t understand how they could screw up something this simple, it’s basic game design and common sense.

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