Night Battles

Anyone play night missions in SB lately? I joined a game yesterday and was not expecting it to be night.

It’s kind of broken (weird light source from underground which lights up your airplane).

And the stars are too big.


Looks like a BUG. I had a similar situation in RB where there was no light but I could see the reflections on the plane. But I’m looking forward to a real night fight.

Id love more time of day options. Proper night battles where NVGs would be of use and the use of flares and afterburners had major visual effects would be rather interesting.

I get the reservations at lower BRs where finding things in the dark is really hard. But at higher BRs… There is no excuse why we still dont have it (and so long as that information was clearly displayed in the lobby info and therefore totally optional, I cant see the harm at lower BRs either)


I posted the same bug the other day. Seems like certain weather conditions and times of day essentially black out the sun. Kind of fun for a match though.

I got into very late evening battle like hour ago and 10 min in game it switched to noon in idk if it was only visual bug.

It appears that there is a bug with rendering at dusk and dawn.

And it explain why my post fx is dark as hell after updates.

Honestly, dogfighting with using NVD would be fun in top tier games.

However, night games shouldnt exist below Korean War era jets BR.

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I’ve seen the time shift before but not that dramatically. One of my (smaller) complaints is that it’s really obvious the sky doesn’t move with time when you’re in a dusk or dawn mission and the sun just sits right at the horizon for a 3 hour match.

And the night mission would be cool but that mysterious light source is distracting and ruins it (hopefully just an artifact of the glitch that caused the night mode in the first place). I will say that watching it back, the stars look better on a flat screen than in VR, in VR they were too big and bright so it looked almost cartoonish.

I hope they add night battles back to sim. All that NV stuff and thermals but no place to use it. Like really why are night battles removed from sim ground roation?