Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

There is not much left in terms of tanks I can think of a modernised t-72, older centurions, some copy paste Shermans and at a stretch a 120mm TTD.

ifvs and sams are what I’m excited for.

140mm TTD you mean… Or well both? IDK.

If Gaijin ever gets around to adding the BIG bore MBTs, the 140mm TTD deserves a spot alongside the Thumper and Leopard 2 (140)




Gun was never made unlike the 120mm likely related to Israeli development of 140mm which little is known.

Question is tho… Which leopard 2 140 should we get? the earlier Autoloaded Prototype? Or the later Panzer 87, the Modified 2A4 one?




The South African 120 and 140 were going to use the same breaches, the idea was that they could just swap the barrel over to the 140mm version when ever the time came that they needed that extra power. Much like the American 140mm gun, it was just a barrel swap away from becoming a 120mm gun.

So the Theory was already there.

I personally would rather keep the Swiss vehicles in an independent Alpine tree, so I think that the EMBT ADT140 would make for a good large-calibre autoloading MBT, with the German Leopard 2 140 as a lower tier alternative.


I think the Leopard 2 A-RC 3.0 would be a better choice, its a little more Standard in its it design than the ADT140. Similar concepts, But the A-RC is a bit less overboard.


Would this be one of the first APFSDS shells? And what else is known of its history?

To me, sadly nothing more. But it isnt even the first. For the 24 cm L/34 coastal gun they also made aphedsfs in 1940.

Well admittedly we’re still waiting to see it with a 140mm, I recall it being an advertised option

Very interesting, and on the original forum suggestion for the 12.8cm APHEDS shells we now have on the Maus, there were mentions of a multitude of other German APDS shells in development for all sorts of cannons, and even this alleged “nuclear” HEAT round.

If we can have prototype vehicles, then perhaps we can also have more prototype ammunition as well.

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Yes, but they need to be at least produced and/or tested. I already asked a mod.
And a gun in game, most of these rounds were for other bigger arty systems.

Also i looked again, i mixed up numbers. I meant in 1940 a round for the 28 cm Schnellladekanone C/34.



Well it certainly seems plausible that there would be more experimental rounds tested for anti-tank guns, and even some smaller calibre artillery cannons of 75-150mm have vehicle mountings to enjoy them on.

Indian variant with 105mm on BMP-2

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T-90M obr. 2025

(when you click on all the customization options)

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Field mods need to be a feature, makes the battlefield more dynamic.

Bruh they even placed Kontakt-1 bricks on the RWS…

And the RWS is missing a gun…

This thing just gets more cursed the longer you look at it.


The Chinese BW-120K tank, which was created for the export market, is one of the latest echoes of the WZ-1224 program. It is armed with a Chinese 120mm smoothbore cannon, similar to the one installed in the PTZ-89 tank destroyer, which had to be reshaped to accommodate the turret’s stern.



I remember it’s said to be a Swiss 120mm gun.