Alpine Ground TT: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum"

Additional photos:



Awesome work on this idea and design +1 for me, but what about the air tech tree?

More photos of XM1 (LRIP)



I just checked the 20mm 204Gk. and this gun will be quite powerful

APHE at the top
APCR at the bottom

according to the velocity table which I used as reference for the ballistic drag and the velocity at various distance, the penetration table should look like this




Pz. 68


Comparison of Leopard 1A3 (Ger) and Pz. 68 (Switz):




A few more Austrian vehicles:

RakWePz 4K 3FA


Pandur Hellfire


It is one of the vehicles that will be added in the next update, along with GT13 AFD, MOWAG Gepard, etc.

some photos






i counted the potential addition of the Swiss vehicles. and depending on the proposed tech tree and what defines a copy-paste or not. i ended up with this

🇨🇭 I counted 82 unique vehicles for 12 copy-paste or nearly copy-paste in the tree I show which is outdated
🇦🇹if I add the Austrian as sub-tree we get 94 unique vehicles and 22 copy-paste or nearly copy-paste.

🇸🇪Sweden currently has 56 unique vehicles and 29 copy-paste or nearly copy-paste.

I found new vehicles since and some more copy-paste too but I only add them when there is a real need.

overall, this tree is not bad at all.

🇯🇵Japan has 60 unique and 8 copies (two unique didn’t exist)
🇫🇷France has 73 unique and 13 copy paste
🇮🇹Italy has 69 unique and 21 copy-paste (two unique didn’t exist)
🇨🇳China has 42 unique and 36 copy-paste (1 C&P was not used and 1 is the wrong model)
🇮🇱Israel has 18 unique and 27 copy-paste (1 C&P is the wrong model)

in overall, I do not think the Swiss tech tree lacks vehicles to work as a tech tree. it would be about as unique as Italy or Sweden. it would be a huge lack of vision and a missed opportunity to not give them an independent tech tree.


What vehicles do you think didn’t exist?
Also btw I’ve never understood people comparing numbers of possible vehicles of one country to vehicles implemented into the game of another country. Compare it to other custom TTs then, here is mine btw (and still not every single vehicle included, plus paper/not completed avoided):

At least you don’t compare overall amount of vehicles, but just uniqueness. Imo some TTs can have more C&P, some less, Switzerland has a lot of interesting vehicles to add for sure.

the R3 T106 was a simple potential option for the turret that could be mounted on the R3 chassis and was never actually mounted or considered by anyone. it only appears on the brochure amounts with a bunch of other potential turrets theoretically possible to mount on the same chassis

the Sidam 25 Mistral was a mock up for a magazine while there was negotiation with France to acquire the Mistral. but those negotiations never came to an export of Mistral to Italy. so all they had was the dream of having Mistral on the Sidam turret.

i also did some work for the Italian. here is an example of a tech tree which is pretty outdated.

every vehicle is a bit higher BR as I included a rebalance for every nation which adds some older vehicles. just ignore almost every vehicle at BR 1.0 to 1.7 and remove a whole BR 1.0 to get the balance of the vehicle. this work is 2 years old so there is elements missing and new information out

there is no paper model and no Hungarian. still, it works fine.

in a year or two there will be the KF41 and KF51 to add there. it would give some additional top tier materials.

I asked @BlueBeta Italian historical consultant if T106 variant was trialed and he confirmed it was (as well as the variant with Folgore turret), unlike the variant with TOW which was only possible option available on request.

Not sure about that one, but iirc it was functional and not just mock-up, though this one questionable anyway since it most likely wasn’t completed to the state we have in the game, with double launchers.

he showed no proof of it and neither one could find it. he was also the one who decided the R3 T20 HS had a stabilizer while there is no mention of it. i asked a dozen times to show the proof. he could never provide it.
all that was shown is this
when asked for more sources, he just went silent. we have to assume they do not exist at all.

funny enough, as you mentioned, the Breda-Folgore was indeed built and have a similar performance

they could just have go for this one instant.

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Update is done!

Several new vehicles have been added, and some have been removed.

Plus, I found interesting decoration for Pz 61 in Federal Archive.



Definitely a +1 from me, this is one of the better contenders for an independent tech tree proposal, although there might be slight future-proofing problems.


considering its pretty much save switzerland will become a german sub tree i dont think you need to worry about that