Well it certainly seems plausible that there would be more experimental rounds tested for anti-tank guns, and even some smaller calibre artillery cannons of 75-150mm have vehicle mountings to enjoy them on.
Field mods need to be a feature, makes the battlefield more dynamic.
Bruh they even placed Kontakt-1 bricks on the RWS…
And the RWS is missing a gun…
This thing just gets more cursed the longer you look at it.
The Chinese BW-120K tank, which was created for the export market, is one of the latest echoes of the WZ-1224 program. It is armed with a Chinese 120mm smoothbore cannon, similar to the one installed in the PTZ-89 tank destroyer, which had to be reshaped to accommodate the turret’s stern.
I remember it’s said to be a Swiss 120mm gun.
your telling me the Ukrainians put the t-90M turret on the T-80BVM hull before the Russians did?
I guess they just love the 4km reverse speed to much…
I mean Poland and the Czechs were able to put a better transmission into their T-72s that can go more than 20km in revers but Russia somehow cant?
Yeah, I think they have built 5 or 6 of them by this point, its apparently a decently easy Conversion, the problem is Finding a Functional T-90M turret, and a Functional T-80BVM hull.
Not the whole of the T-90M turret but the whole of the Relikt ERA structure taken from the T-90M turret and placed on the T-80U turret.
No, its the ENTIRE turret. Note the huge turret bustle and such the T-90Ms are known for.
The T-90M at home
when is ngad comming to game
Programme is grinding to a halt currently congress ain’t a fan
so no ngad , interesting .china will have the upper hand in the air then since the chinese are already testing 6th gens
I wouldn’t say no yet but the future doesn’t look bright particularly considering the US budget deficit
They released the official video on Youtube, it is T-80U turret underneath, they just added an all round ERA coverage.
I commented yesterday, backing with photos, but mods weren’t pleased with the Azov logo on the photos and removed the whole comment.
but anyways, you can check the latest video now
I think the navy one (F/A-XX) is still going though right?
Yea … I posted without snipping the azov logo out. Got my comment vaporized.