Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

is it contains 2 kinds of APS same time?
trophy kind and interceptor ammo type

Little-known modifications of the Leclerc tank:






Lav25 a2 when???


Gaijin please add something for the USA after M42 and before M163 SPAA’s

Saiman V.A.L.


You found another shot of the th 495 GREAT. Theres actually 2 possible th495 versions that could come. The dardo turret version and the kuka m12 turret version.

The marder hvms is highly questionable, as that seems to be the only photo and reference to it i could find.

Its hard to say whether that marder 35mm turret is just a miniature mockup or a full sized turret.

Its also hard to find any photos of the marder prototype puma turret testbed outside of the photo you posted and another one on some other forum. Its existence is questionable.

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It’s one Hard-kill APS with two launchers but are planning to integrate the M230 LF 30mm autocannon to the hard-kill APS RADAR’s (I presume) to shoot down the drones. So in a sense yeah it is two systems. I’d refer more to the suggestion for the APS itself:

The integration of the M230 LF with it is more speculation on my part unless they plan to add another RADAR system to the Protector RS6 or use it for optical tracking only to destroy the drones.

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Azerbaijan ADEX 2024
Azerbaijan’s upgraded T-72 displayed at ADEX. The ERA is all K-1 and K-5. FCS is understood to be provided by Israel’s Elbit System’s. Unsure of the name for the time being. Looks like the Driver has a front camera, the Gunner’s sight is likely a 3rd-generation thermal imager and the Commander likely uses Passive-IR. For the time being, I’ll call it the T-72AM since it is a modernized T-72A.

On a side note, the Shilka looks pretty interesting next to the vehicles too. New A2A missiles and RADAR installed. More to follow when ADEX has exhibits open.


how would this compear to the T-72B3. Also what nation would it go to, USSR or Israel.

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The T-72B3 would be far superior. I don’t know the rest of the specs of the vehicle in terms of engine, etc. Won’t see those until ADEX kicks off officially. Likely BR 10.3, maybe 10.7 max (which is pushing it honestly considering the LFP/UFP are just K-1). I doubt the new vehicle has a modified autoloader to fire different munitions but will likely fire Israeli-made rounds which could affect BR.
As for nation placement, idk. Probably wait and see what other specs there are for the vehicle and how much Israel has aided in development.


Where would you think this tank belongs? As in tech tree wise.

If there are plentiful projects between Azerbaijan and Israel, it could be a premium/squadron vehicle along with other developments between the two nations (also dependent on how much development Israel has with the vehicle). Since there isn’t enough Azerbaijan developments as a whole to suffice an independent tree like Ukraine (post-Soviet specifically) for example, it’s only other option would be in the USSR tree currently. Another option which would be the best is if Türkiye became an independent nation in-game. If they did, it should be placed there.


Except you can see soviet sights still.
FCS was yet to be provided, either will be when it’s ordered or planned to be installed.
Little to do with Israel other than FCS even if it gets insalled so I dont see how it would be Israel to get it, AMX-30 Super, T-72AV Turms go to nations that created their basis and not their upgrades.


Serbian Lazar 3M.
On one of the picture’s it has russian battle module Kinzhal with 57MM autocannon yall know and despite installed.


so what’s the plates around the bottom of launcher, if not trophy kind aps.

It looks to me that below the launchers are elevated platforms probably to keep the M2HB Gunner out of harms way (prior to the idea of adding the RS6) and housing the system’s electronics since there’s limited room within the vehicle itself with the other parts being RADAR’s for the Launchers and another type of Laser/Missile Warning Receiver.

This is my boi, the Lazanski Armored Combat Vehicle. I want to see it added at some point. I need to update that suggestion, thanks for unintentionally reminding me.

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Yeah, they either just installed a new camera into the housing of the older sight or they’re going to have the sight on display through an MFD that can be seen on the front of the tank since they’re still preparing for ADEX (these images are essentially leaks). I only said Israel if they have multiple projects of close collaboration but I don’t know enough about them to say for sure.
Also as for nation placement, that is a tossup which can be seen with the F-111C. It’s like Gaijin being your SO and asking them where you want to go for dinner lol.

speaking of Serbian stuff, Zastava M55 on a BOV3, with S-7 MANPADs strapped to the side