Now I want one…
I always wanted to see it in game… it is the best looking Mustang!
Now I want one…
I always wanted to see it in game… it is the best looking Mustang!
I could be wrong, but isn’t the tank in this picture a 2A6? The gun looks longer than the L/44.
i dont belive so , in any case it doesn’t change that the version exist , the picture is sumplimantery
Ground vehicle suggestion pending for the T-72B3 obr. 2016 (Arena-M):
The most famous picture of the CATI showing it with the left armor plate hinged down, and a crew of three. The photo is likely to have been taken by the fourth crewmember on a firing range.
Royal Museum of Armored Forces and Military History in Brussels
For the suggestion go to:
I have to correct myself, the Centauro B2 105/52 version was produced in only one prototype, fortunately the photos have been found.
you do know they only forward vehicles to the dev’s , what is being worked on is not decided by them
yes, ik
even so, the guy has the best suggestions. Who better than himself to get the suggestions to the devs? ;)
A-4M pls
“We have SU-25 at home”
RN defenetly him , before maibe not
1 chassis was built in germany but finland did more testing with the vehicle since they were looking at using it. They made multiple turrets of different calibers from 25mm to 35mm. (Increments of 5mm)
It lost to the cv90 whoch is why the program ended.
ANTARES is much more than your run-of-the-mill LWR:
Pilar V would also be insanely good due to its range of 2km.
Basically if the enemy either:
They will get scouted. It would be borderline OP lol.
Also the French cooked with CTAS 40, it should be able to frontally penetrate a T-55. The vehicle is also decently mobile and agile and generally immune to autocannon.
It could very easily go to 11.7 to be honest. But I doubt it would come anytime soon knowing the devs even though all the necessary info has been passed to them down to the gear ratios.
We need mixed-propulsion aircraft.