Why don’t Daily task start/restart in the same hour when “new day” in War Thunder begins?
I do not like this time difference (missmatch) & i like to plan my time playing WT.
Do you mean like Daily login starting at 02:00 and and events/challenges starting at 14:00, or?
(depending on timezone)
Yes. that.
To make the same time (hour) change for new day and new start of Daily tasks.

Two variants of the venerable AML-90:
- The AML 90 Revalorisé features a new engine, LRF, an APFSDS-T round, and more, a very deadly AML-90 that can maneuver around the battlefield with its high mobility and small profile, easily ambushing targets.
- The AML 90 Lynx, a more modest upgrade that features a new engine, LRF and new sights while retaining its excellent mobility. This variant saw usage in the French armed forces.
Please read the suggestions to get a full breakdown of each vehicle.
Really wish for MiG-25 and/or MiG-31. I dont care how bad their dogfight performance, Im in the need for speed (plus love those bricks with wings)
Otherwise Su-47 Berkut (yeah-yeah, I know it wasnt armed IRL and very quickly, relatively speaking, was converted into testbed for PAK FA program. Still, it’s a unique aircraft)
The reason players hate newer trees coz of gaijin’s copy pastas
Like for Chinese tree, they added same’ol M18 instead of Type 64 and same 'ol M10 instead of this M10-105 SPG thingy
I think these vehicles should be added in addition to the copy and paste. The copy and paste are vehicles that have usually seen wide service in said country so I think some is a necessity, while vehicles like these should definitely have a home too.
Lets get the War Hoover as a Rank 6 bomber. It was tested with AIM-9L so it should be in the game.
Not only do I want things like pave tack, pave knife and pave spike i also want them to add the proper historical UI for every targting pod in game
Air National Guard F-4E mid 80’s and F-111F from USAF equipped AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack
Now F-4E in USA tech tree lack AN/AVQ-23A/B Pave Spike
F-4D from USAF was an first fighter aircraft equipped early targeting pod (AN/AVQ-10 Pave Knife)
I just know A-6A Intruder equipped AN/AVQ-10A Pave Knife
Just a note, the Pave Spike pod appears on the Buccaneer S.2B.
Buccaneer S.2B equipped AN/AVQ-23E. but F-4E for USAF maybe AN/AVQ-28A/B
It does, in it’s somewhat simplified form ( dunno much about the precise differences though as documentation on it is rather scarce for someone who doesn’t live in the US like me)
Weekly reminder that the Kronstadt needs a nerf and can receive one as it is ENTIRELY MADE UP and thus should actually be removed as per gaijins usual policy with fake bs