Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Vulcan and not 30mm, no missiles, no guided weapons… seems like it could be at a pretty low br in Air rb possibly? 👀


It’s the Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin technical demonstrator, basically Japan started experimenting with stealth tech before and particularly after the US refused to sell them the F-22.

Then they developed it into the Mitsubushi F-X programme, which they had hoped to collaborate on with the US but due to numerous factors (workshares, tech shares, industry participation, bitterness over the F-2 and F-22), they decided to merge with the UK’s GCAP/Tempest.

Demonstrator for that aircraft flies in 2027 from BAE and sometime soon thereafter in Japan by Mitsubishi. (Who knows, if it has any functionality, could have a suggestion made for it as the SU-47 seems to have been approved as a suggestion).

Twice actually. Passed to the devs on the old forums and now on the new. Passed to the devs doesnt mean anything in the long run.

i’m asuming you hadn’t seen my second comment by that point

It will be a very good SL and RP pinata because of the absence of a radar, RWR, missiles, bombs, rockets, or guns.

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But it was still accepted as a suggestion.

But, will be low speed because of wing
Or it will be one more YaK-141

Whatever suggestion mod passed that should be lightly hit on the head with something soft and told he’s slightly silly.

Also while looking at the suggestion you can see that there’s two sources for that post. ONE OF THEM IS WIKIPEDIA THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA!!!


Never heard about that. I thought US only offered when Japan opened it up to foreign collaboration but there was no explicit hope from Japan. Best I’ve seen is news outlets taking the Northrop offer as “F-X will be F-23!!!”

Before that it seems to have been fully independent with various armed concepts made and even some built components that might count as “unfinished prototypes” if we’re lucky. I’d guess Gaijin would take anything they can to break up the endless F-35 vs F-35 we’d have otherwise.


23DMU - 26DMU armed F-X designs

Center fuselage for either 25DMU or 26DMU

Internal weapons bay

XF9-1 engine with TVC system

It’s an aircraft meant to fly in 2027, none of which have been built yet. I’d say we better wait

Nope lmao

Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker-M: The Last Flanker



The initial was to be domestic, then they decided to open it up, hoping to collaberate with a major international partner, the only 2 with stealth experience that are NATO-Alligned are the UK and US. The US pulled a lot of tricks to try and win the contract.

But yeah lots of parts were made which could be ‘unfinished prototype’-d into the game.

Yeah I just mean because the SU-47 post made it through the filter despite carrying effectively no military hardware whatsoever. Tempest demonstrator no.1 is having its wings currently being built at the moment, I imagine the Mitsubishi variant is also in a similar stage or soon to be at that stage.

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But now we can make EAP’s suggestion post

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You say that but…



SU-33 as an easy, straight forward sidegrade to the SU-27s.

Before we hit the jungle of later Russian and Chinese Flanker variants.

SU-37 would be a lovely event variant somewhere down the line.

It will probably be a premium or event jet

F-7BG. It can use Turkish laser guided bombs. Targeting pod is yet to be added, for now it depends on buddy lasing.



We need the Brobv m/42, cause look at it!


I will do literally anything to have more tams pls for the love of god gaijin add more of my tams.