Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Never armed or had an FCS (radar, irst, rwr etc) installed, nor was it ever intended for any of those to be added. It was just an experiment in forward-swept wings, not in any way inteded to be an actual combat aircraft.

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it was passed to dev’s … what do you mean

Its a joke that the Kranvagn has been suggested as Swedens only “Heavy tank” for years now and yet still hasnt gotten added. Now with Gaijin preferring the Tiger II as Swedens heavy tank, the joke continues as
if every heavy option other than the Krv is more likely to get added.

ayo ayo , reminder that it only got passed to devs this february , and it’s suggestion was created on the new forum only in january (and for the hold forum it was suggested in 2020 , and got passed in 2021) , way to early to expect it , espacialy when you compare it to other exemples that have been sugested for years , then passed to devs for years , and still haven’t shown up

i know the joke and all , but there are reason’s why it wasn’t haded yet

More clones to the God of Clones

I would agree with you if things getting passed to devs had anything to do with what gets added. Gaijin chooses themselves what gets added or not, the only reason it hasn’t been added is because Gaijin simply has not wanted to. Otherwise the new Ush wouldn’t have been added since it was never suggested, hell 99% of people didnt know it existed.

Swedens lack of a heavy tank (Exept for now with the tiger) and the continued refusal of Gaijin shows that 100% on Gaijin that the Krv has not shown up yet. Its not too early to expect it either, they’ve known that people want the Krv since 2018, its simply that Gaijin hasnt wanted to add it.

The IL-1 armored fighter of low and medium altitudes was designed to conduct air combat with all types of enemy aircraft at altitudes up to 5000m. The pilot, engine, cooling systems, lubricants and fuel tanks were protected by armor as on the IL-2 attack aircraft. The basis of the development was the IL-2I prototype fighter, created on the basis of the IL-2 single-seat attack aircraft. The aircraft had better aerodynamics, lower weight and a more powerful engine. The first flight took place on May 19, 1944. Tests have shown that the aircraft fully meets the specified requirements and surpasses the piston-engined German fighters at altitudes up to 4000m. Armament - 2x23 mm guns (VIA 23) and 6x100 kg FAB.



If only it was armed…


That doesn’t matter to Gaijin XD

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what is this? stealth F-15?

A stealth F15 is called F22. Its nothing mor ethen a fancy F15 with some new rims.

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It looks like an F-15 mixed with an F-22… And you know what that means…

When a Mommy Raptor and a Daddy eagle love each other very much…

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bruh XD

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Japanese X-2 Shinshin tech demonstrator



you have no idea how much you made me cringe there mate ngl

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You’re right. They weren’t a mommy and daddy yet. They was just Joe and Kathrine.

Sometimes Joe called Kathrine, Mama

We’ll need a spike fix first tho, lackluster tracking and sometimes damage.

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Attack aircraft YA-10A (prototype A-10) . Two YA-10A prototypes were built with serial numbers 71-1369 and 71-1370. The first prototype made its maiden flight on May 10, 1972, and the second prototype on July 21, 1972. Both prototypes were armed with the M61A1 Vulcan 20 mm six-barrel automatic cannon. (ammunition 660 rounds) and unguided weapons. From October 10 to December 9, 1972, both prototypes underwent comparative tests (flight and weapons) at the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) at Edwards Air Force Base, California, USA (only unguided weapons and cannon). After that, a series of 12 aircraft was ordered, of which only 6 were built. Both of the first YA-10A prototypes were upgraded to the A-10A level, but at the same time retained the fuselage feature - the lower leading edge of the vertical slipway was straight on the YA-10A and curved on the production aircraft. Currently, both prototypes are located at the National Museum of the United States Air Force (Wright-Patterson, Ohio).



Vulcan and not 30mm, no missiles, no guided weapons… seems like it could be at a pretty low br in Air rb possibly? 👀