Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

God it looks obese from how they widened the turret ring of the BMP-2 turret

Which nation uses this?

Idk, just saw it on YouTube.

Edit: some commenter says it is Algeria, no guarantees though.

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You know, Sweden did also get a Panther after the war…


It is indeed Algeria, there already happens to be a suggestion for it on this forum.


i can confirm : BMPT-62 , algerian army


I wish better LOFT(logic and values) for FOX-3 and some AGMs.

Amazing, thanks y’all

i remember it quite well , i also remember people discovering at the same time this T-55 with a BMP-1 turret , wich they thought was also from algeria , but is actualy an impovised tank from the YPG


I noticed you posted a Swedish Jagdpanzer 38(t) on Reddit a few weeks ago. Was this also part of the postwar German weaponry testing initiative or something later perhaps utilizing a Czech ST-I?

The Swedish Panther is already pretty overshadowed by the Tiger II but I haven’t ever heard of the Swedes obtaining a Hetzer.

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Stalker… XD

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Stalker? Or chronic subreddit doomscoller?

Call it.


The Hetzers Sweden had was bought from Norway post war since quite a few were left in pretty good condition there, it was the same testing as the panther and such, seeing how they preformed and how Swedish tanks preformed in comparison. No idea what happened to it afterwards though.

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Hey im happy people recognize me, feels good.
My man2

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Interesting, didn’t know the Norwegians managed to get ahold of any intact Jagdpanzers in addition to their Panzers and Sturmgeshutz.

Speaking of “Sweden obtained post war”, a Churchill III was also gotten.

I don’t want it in the Swedish tree but if Gaijin really doesn’t want the kranvagn in there, this is another option for a heavy tank.




Never was armed or intended as anything but a technology demenstrator / research aircraft.

Just like EAP. Unless you want to fly around without weaponry it makes little sense.