Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Stalker? Or chronic subreddit doomscoller?

Call it.


The Hetzers Sweden had was bought from Norway post war since quite a few were left in pretty good condition there, it was the same testing as the panther and such, seeing how they preformed and how Swedish tanks preformed in comparison. No idea what happened to it afterwards though.

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Hey im happy people recognize me, feels good.
My man2

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Interesting, didn’t know the Norwegians managed to get ahold of any intact Jagdpanzers in addition to their Panzers and Sturmgeshutz.

Speaking of “Sweden obtained post war”, a Churchill III was also gotten.

I don’t want it in the Swedish tree but if Gaijin really doesn’t want the kranvagn in there, this is another option for a heavy tank.




Never was armed or intended as anything but a technology demenstrator / research aircraft.

Just like EAP. Unless you want to fly around without weaponry it makes little sense.

I would say the current J-10 ought to beat the old Lavi pototype quite handily.
Israel evem supported it’s design in the 90s as far as I know.

There was some technology transfer and support in design as far as I know.

Thanks for the boost! I knew when I first saw the rumors about that vehicle years ago I had to suggest it.

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The Hafiz would be a good addition to the israeli tech tree since it mostly lacks on missile carrier vehicles, it’s a very interesting one.



and British Army too.


General Wishlist for the next big patch:

If were going to have Fox 3’s, give us Electronic Warfare. That’s the big technical change.
Beyond that, some variants here and there that make me curious, but EW is by far the big thing I want to see.

There is just 1 thing i want…

For gaijin to stop locking roundels to countries.
As a Dutch player for example we had acces to the orange dutch airforce triangle (1939) in each nation for many years, allowing dutch players to fight and fly under their own countries roundel.
Many of us have waited those years hoping that the modern RNLAF would be added.

F.F. a couple of years and it finally arrived. The only problem is that all dutch roundels including the orange triangle now get locked to france. A nation that has no history with the dutch airforce or it’s planes.

So what i want? For Gaijin to either remove the restriction to france and let everybody use the Dutch roundels across all nations like the triangle once was able to.
Or remove the restrictions for all roundels in general and give players the freedom to sport their own countries roundel on their vehicle no matter the nation they’re using!

And for the players that might think “yea but then nation recognition in sim gets harder” or something along those lines. Lets be honest, most of the time we are fighting at distances where decals aren’t even visible. (Maybe on take off when you really look for a hidden roundel among the planes that you’ll be able to find one). Ontop of that with the large and growing amount of similair vehicles being added across the game the roundel wouldn’t make a big impact.

Another option for sim would be to either only aply the roundel lock to sim or disable roundels in general for sim battles.

Fun fact there are more dutch skinned and vehicles the dutch used in general outside the frensh tech tree then there are currently in the tech tree.


Yeah I agree. I have about 13 Dutch in-game skins in nations other than France.

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more 7.3/7.7 , frontal armor of the T-55 is up-armored

Don’t forget that the regular BMP-1 is 7.7, and the Pbv is 6.7 (no ATGM). 7.3 seems like an acceptable compromise.