Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

is that all the one’s that are shown , cause that sure is not all of them

I meant ATGM carriers, are there really more of them based on VBL?

Panhard VBL Milan ER (WASP)

basacly same missile , but tele-operated + added coaxial machinegun

Panhard VBL Spike




VBR (info lower) MPCV (prototype version , milan)

there was also a mistral version but that is out of subject
the upgraded version of that weapon system , both AA and AT , are now in use on a diferent vehicle

more info on VBR Army Guide

and once again , THIS IS JUST THE VBL ALONE , and it’s DEFENETLY NOT the only light tank wee have by far


and also i miss rememberd there being a varient with javelin missile’s , but that was just the komatsu lav Type 01 LMAT

they do be loking fricking similar


Hungary also made pretty much the same thing, so it’d be nice to go in the Hungarian line.

that thing its only 120 mm and packs more of a punch than spikes altough its pretty slow

Been looking into smaller boats of the ROCN after the war.
Really like the look of this scrappy patrol boat (middle). Mainly had 7.7mm but looks like a 13mm was fitted later on.

Japanese pic of the same type of boat w/o shield and guns

Took a pic from a video of what it looked like

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“Not a CCVL”

Looong T-72, this is cursed to the max.

I’ve heard rumors from an Ex-driver, of an STRV 103, that when they were running an exercise, that they had gotten it up to highway speed…

True story or not, seeing a mobility buff on the 103, specifically engine/transmission wise would be awesome.

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Just makin hull aim work at all would be wonderful


Dare I say that this is the best 3rd generation aircraft?

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That or the F-4F ICE

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I would love for both planes to come into the game for people to decide for themselves. While the Mirage MF2000 only has 4 missiles, F-4F ICE has 8 missiles. Although the MF2000 has HMD which ICE lacks and a better radar (RDY-3 on MF2000 vs APG-65 on ICE).

The ICE doesn’t have HMD?

French vehicles go in French tree lol

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I’m not completely conclusive on it, but I have searched around a bit and found no evidence of HMD compatability or any testing of it on the ICE, let alone being used in service.

*Panhard AML in UK TT is Exists

I feel like stories like this are very common. I’ve heard similar from Leopard 1 drivers too.

For real though, Eland was in South African service meanwhile VBL Ingwe was a French project which UK has zero claim on. VBL was exported to a bunch of countries, some of which opted to use a TOW launcher - so should the TOW variant go to the USA as well?