Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)


eaver that , the F4F-ICE or the MIG-23-98

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There must be something like a separate Gear-Transmission system that diverts more power to the tracks instead of other equipments, as they aren’t being used, like the autoloader, gun systems, hydraulics, and others. Idk, I’m a engineer, but I couldn’t tell you without a schematic, but there is probably a separate road gear from regular cross country gear system.

Unfortunately this is not a real vehicle. Rather, it is a mockup from 2019 meant to represent the Harimau, K21-105, and Sabrah light tank contenders (Sabrah was chosen in the end) in the Phillipine light tank acquisition project.

Correct me if i’m wrong, but I think the largest direct-fire-capable cannon fitted on an M113 would be the Libyan 122mm D-30 conversion, with the US and British 120mm gun-mortar prototypes coming in second.

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I think it come from DCS

I think you replied to the wrong guy.

Don’t think so, according to the source I found, the Phillipine M113 with 155mm gun is apparently supposed to represent a light tank (even if it looks more like an M108).

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You can add this to make the games even shorter, the first to shoot wins.
AMX 30-PLUTON tactical nuclear weapon


I read gyatt





but spawn closer to enemy spawn to make that single shot even more competitive

This can be added as a alternative for nuke planes.


I just wanted to be sarcastic.

Russian captured Leopard 2A6 with T-80 road wheels


It’s so cursed looking

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Found some more I want
OIP (2)
OIP (1)


Oh and there’s another one that I thought of but can’t find a pic anywhere. It’s a Willys mb with 3 PFC’s inside. One at the wheel, one in the passenger seat and the last in the back with a bazooka and a smug look on his face

well “captured” it was essentially a burnt shell that they gave a new paint job

hey man, captured is captured XD