Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

I was talking about barrels that come from vehicle behind it ^^

Don’t see how that’s relevant.

Yak-141 should get R-73s and R-77s and go up to 12.7

Oh lmao don’t worry i confused it at first sight too until i saw it wasnt comming from the roof lol

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Also an optional 30mm autocannon as a coax.
Tracked boxer 120 is quite silly

  • autoloiaded 120 mm
  • 2 spikes
  • remote controlled 50 cal
  • 30MM coaxial autocannon
    indeed quite silly
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Panhard VBL ALRRT-4M ingwe. (South African turret)
Can fire on move.


Its a modern maus lmao
Lookin like a command and conquer super unit

Polish Su22 with some weird looking guided bomb


Its an inert Kh-25ML, its missing most of the control surfraces, as the R-60 next to it.


For France right?

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Btw did Polish Su22 receive any JDAM?

Never seen any tbh.

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If it’s South African it goes to the UK due to the ZA sub-tree.

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HS.30 90mm



Well good thing it’s a French vehicle and this particular project was one of many anti-tank versions developed by Panhard. So it will make a fine addition to the French tech tree.

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Well, there were a lot of different missile launchers based on VBL

We will take ingwe :)


German M48 with M47 cannon

is that all the one’s that are shown , cause that sure is not all of them

I meant ATGM carriers, are there really more of them based on VBL?