A M103 turret on the T29/30/34 hull?
the early M103’s elliptical turret with some minor differences from the production one.
Troop transport, downed crew rescue, fuel/ammo transport, anti-ship, infantry support, etc.
Yeah, only some helicopters would be able to do it, the same way only some can shoot down aircraft or attack SPAA safely. The update would add even more types of targets too so I’m sure attack helicopters would be fine. They still have plenty of other things to do. As of now, the only nation the doesn’t have any helo transport capabilities in-game is Israel, but they could just give them the Yanshuf (UH-60), Atalef (Eurocopter Panther), the UH-1, or the H-34.
As for the cargo cable, it just needs to be attached at the center of mass for each utility heli. It would take about as much work as a bug patch.
The new K1E2/K1A2 MBT
Upgrades include enhanced Gunner Primary Sight, new APU and CBRN or NBC protection.
Basically modernizing K1E1/K1A1 to K2 standards
K1A3 is still planned. Upgrades to be Korean APS and RCWS.
Italian government approved acquisition of 132 Leopards 2A8IT
The supposed Italian Leopard 2A8IT courtesy of @Nicholas_Concu
Some German components to be replaced with Italian ones. Read: Italianized.
I think it would be a great 9.0
That would be interesting. Yeah, Heli PvE needs a massive rework as some/most of helicopters just cannot do anything. I wont speak about the massive spam of premium helicopters that will steal every kills and points from you. There is a SPAA that will immidietly snipe you from 3km. Good luck with staring helicopters, Especialy the Swedish, Japan, Italy. Then there is the lagging AI. You are aiming at AI, guiding your missile, about to hit and NOPE the target was actually 20m in front of the place you were aiming. I was lucky to research Italian helicopters when i could get to SPAA to like 100m without getting kill by SPAA every time and loosing 20k SL.
LEDS is made by SAAB so clearly it’s going to Sweden
Complete Vickers MBT & Export line.
These would give the UK a much more dynamic fusion of armour and firepower, and offer a different playstyle to those of other British MBT’s.
The Challenger 2E should also be moved here and the VFM5 should receive its thermals.
Vickers MK.3I
Vickers MK.3M
Vickers MK.4 (Early)
Vickers MK.4 (Late)
Vickers MK.7/2
EE-T1 Osorio (1)
EE-T1 Osorio (2)
Al Hussein
Challenger Falcon
HMS Centurion as an actually decent 6.7 Battleship unlike whatever Orion is masquerading as
HMS Repulse would also be appreciated as a 6.7 Battlecruiser
HMS Warspite in her 1944 refit is a no-brainer and should’ve been here before Bayern
Some form of R-Class Battleship
Then finally we come to the next step for British Dreadnoughts: some options are a Nelson class, G-Class, or KGV 1938.
The Yu Huo millimetre wave fire-control radar mounted over the rotor
Z-10ME (export variant)
It would be nice to see a upgraded PLAGF Z-10 in the future
British Mustang Mk3 running 150 octane fuel and 80" of MAP.
So you take the F6C, then give it P-51D-30 levels of engine power. shrimple as that.
I also thought so, the Cheli 2E was not developed for the British army, but for export, like the entire Vickers line
I think it would fit better there, but the reason Gaijin put it there is because it’s the best variant of Challenger 2, so noone would grind down the Challenger 2 line because the Vickers line would be both better and shorter.
But if they filled out the vickers line it could be longer than the Challenger 2 line with the 2E at the very end, where it should be, and the Chally 3TD at the end of the Chally line.
Would be awesome to see Dutch ships but I have no idea which tree they would go in. BeNelux would be the ideal option.