The US is trying to aggressively enter India’s military market so they probably went beyond the norm as well as Turkey is already a US equipment importer (on top of there own developed equipment) so they wanted to keep Turkey within the US arms market. It’s a pretty common theme with country’s with well-developed defense industries.
What if they are just chill, and both crews are having a lunch in the hangar together?
I personify the planes for this joke, the pilots can be totally chill with each other
It was just an export vehicle but now it’s been rushed into service….
🇮🇱 SPYDER AIO, Joining the Ranks

An image selection from Rafael’s website, it’s worth noting this vehicle has a few operational changes from the original design which can be seen in the section below.

An image from my suggestion, the early version.
- The SPYDER AIO has officially joined the ranks of the Israeli military which reinforces its entry for the Israeli Tree. Please see my suggestion below for more details.
Peruvian Fiat 6636 with a 20mm and a recoilless rifle. Possible BP vehicle for Italy
Peruvia is one of my favourite countries. No reason why.
Challenger 2E South Africa
Not Britain???
*were chill, until they found out how many chilies were in their lunch dishes.
F-27 Flankercat
(ex-VP of Grumman & chief designer of the F-14 proposes the US to buy Soviet fighter jets)
T-72B3M obr. 2025
T-72B3 with Arena-M APS, Nakidka cover, drone jammers, extra ERA coverage and rubber flaps.
They will give it everything but a good transmission…
I’m all for upgraded T-72’s but the giant rubber flaps on the rear of the turret leave much to be desired. As soon as the turret is turned, there goes the whole idea of protecting the engine compartment. Not to mention it already has Arena-M that supposedly can target drones now.
Considering that there is a Japanese F-14 suggestion up, RAF F-14 when ))))))))))))
Now where did i left my Abrams…
Yep, thats an official brochure
Actual and factual. +1 just because I said so.