Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

(Found this on the internet)


Well, that is true. If the turret ring size is right, when you remove a turret from your tank and look away for too long Amx 13 turret will appear there and refuse to go away.


That gives me nightmares

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Haha.Last one looks goofy

Absolutely forgot about it

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So did i XD

Which nation used the one with M41 hull?

Does that exist?

My wishlist: Bomber cockpits, more SPH tanks for minor nations, Japanese top tier SPAA, French mid tier SPAA, [French, Israëli, Chinese, Japanese and British IFV’s], More Japanese WWII-, cold war- and modern aircraft, more MLRS systems, a prestige system, Hungarian aviation, South-Korean sub-TT for Japan (air, ground, helicopters), North-Korean sub-TT for China (air, ground, helicopters) and further air spawns for planes and helicopter at >10.0.

It still surprises me that people pick DPRK over Pakistan for a Chinese sub-tree.


North korea and South korea should be added as United Korea Tech tree

He did the funny

Agreed, but even besides this Pakistan makes more sense when it comes to military equipment. Things like MBT-2000 and JF-17 are examples of collaboration between China and Pakistan that the DPRK simply doesn’t have.
Funnily enough it is Iran that was more influential for the modern DPRK army than China was.

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North-Korea, Pakistan, i don’t really care, as long as they get a sub-TT if China is not getting any of it’s domestic stuff.

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That’s very fair.

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Let’s not discuss about techtrees here.

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and there is more

AMX turret (105 mm)
SK Kurassier chassis


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Indeed, we also have this in game

Not as a single vehicle.

The turret is on the DF105 and the Chassis is on the SK105