Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Oh, your right. These turrets look simmilar, so i did not gave it a deep look and assumed it is the same.

Mini C-17 when?


And since someone decided to show me it, i will pop it here.
Mirage hit with a stick, Hal Tejas


that goddamn amx 13 turret its like a parasite it just sticks into the enemy tank’s hull and sucks it dry from its engine power

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I am having a certain Dead Space vibes from it.

Panzerhaubitze my beloved, has been asked to get it in game for years and not here yet


inb4 added at 7.7

too low explosive mass wise 11.7 kg wich its insane but it uses composition B wich rounds it of to an equivalent of 13.2 kg

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That’s still more than the VIDAR, which is performing unreasonably well in the game as we speak!
This thing would definitely be a fine addition at ~9.7 and I would definitely try to get it if it were to come out.
Hopefully it would come with the pleasant Croatian green camouflage, I would definitely stick it on there!

yup i would love to see it in game

Currently 3BM60 in game only has 1660m/s muzzle velocity. That’s the main difference.

Mirage 2000 from wish

Both would be great…China needs more love. Decals as well.
ZTQ-15 would also be a great addition and other 99A Variants or the Howitzers like the PLZ-45A4 / PLZ52 etc.

I suppose that could be because the image i gave, it had tests run on better guns than 2A46M-5, such as 2A66 or 2A82. Or just innacuraties in game.

iirc the 2a66 cant fire the same rounds as the 2a46 or the 2a82

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Oh right, thank you for correction, now I remember there were two APDSFS rounds developed specifically for 2A66.

1660m/s is 3BM60 export version‘s muzzle velocity.

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Chinese Flanker

But nearly half are equipped with AESA radars

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  1. BM-21 grad system for multiple historical tech trees
  2. Gripen E
  3. Legit any jet for Swedish squadron
  4. Strv 103 D
  5. CV90120 mod. 2007 (CV90120-T)

Israeli Gal Batash 120mm! (“Sabra MK 3?”) 10.0