Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

a working anticheat

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Probably would be too much to have. Seen several sources state both 3BM59 and 3BM60 are 2004 rounds but found one stating its 2002 rounds. With stating that 3BM59 has 370~ mm pen on 60° close (3BM60 has 330 at 60° both here and in game.)

Though i believe this source isnt 100% correct on all things considered, so heres that. I suggest using image translating services.

Italian Bf 109G2/Trop Skin


Is this user skin? Can I have it? I plan to research italian TT soon.

Because its probably just a demomstration vehicle, you can see it being on some Army exhibition, sure we have plenty demonstration prototypes but plenty of Army exhibitions are too new to have lots info on them.

Was made by Guest Pacifica. Found in the old forum but link doesn’t work Italian BF 109G2/Trop - Forze Aeree - War Thunder - Official Forum
By the way I’m on Xbox so only in game skins.

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Thank you very much! It is quite sad you cant sadly use these on consoles, though considering game has user made skins, this one is a huge possibility!

Edit: the link provided to the old forum post where link to the camo itself is sadly expired 😔

I play only with controller. I tried on PC but there isn’t a tracking target feature as on console and without it tracking and aiming at the same time with a controller is too much difficult. It’s weird because such feature is present n the Pc version but only for tanks.

Thats quite odd

Yeah. Russia needs more wheeled vehicles. I estimate this thing would be at least 9.7

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Dont know about BR to put it on but: It’s nickname is Titan. 2A42 with 300 rounds just as on bmp2, and Konkurs-M missiles (4km range, 800 mm pen), only has 2. The battle module(turret) is called “Спица” or Spoke. Pretty sure serial production only started previous year.
Max speed 100km/h.

But I think the fire rate is reduced to 180 rpm

Theres no reason to since its weight is 15 tons, plus 120 rpm is a fire mode to change rpm, same as it is on BMP2 and modifications

Let’s hope it fires apfsds

2A42 has APDSFS to fire, both russian and non russian ones. Also battle module has thermals and laser rangefinder.

I only think it matters if the vehicle itself has it. Not the gun because then the bmp-2 (8.3) will have apfsds which it never had

No. Rounds are mostly balancing matter. IS-2 used D variant of shells, yet they were removed, and they are removed even today, and probably will be even after they move up all IS-2s, also BMP2 is 8.7 after BR changes.

Wasn’t the D shell like 230mm at 0? And the B at 211mm? I remember using the D shell because that’s all I used. But it wasn’t that OP

Yes, it was around that, but it was removed.

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M3 Fl10 when?