CATI 90, a belgian light Anti-tank quick casemate.
Look inside for details
The most famous picture of the CATI showing it with the left armor plate hinged down, and a crew of three. The photo is likely to have been taken by the fourth crewmember on a firing range.
And this is me in the CATI 90 in the gunner's seat, as you can see there's a second set of pedals and levers (the driver is on the right) so the gunner can also drive the vehicle, this could be a 1 man vehicle!
1 chassis was built in germany but finland did more testing with the vehicle since they were looking at using it. They made multiple turrets of different calibers from 25mm to 35mm. (Increments of 5mm)
It lost to the cv90 whoch is why the program ended.
I think there is a very strong chance we could be seeing this vehicle within the next two updates (not including the upcoming one) due to both France and Belgium operate it (or in Belgium’s case, will operate it in 2025). Luxembourg could operate it within the next few years as well.
I highly doubt we’ll get the man-in-the-middle capability of the Akeron MP missiles right away and they will likely operate how Spike’s are currently implemented (infrared-homing). The only caveat to this is if the man-in-the-middle interface becomes the new gameplay feature when this vehicle is added.
40mm CTAS autocannon with APFSDS-T, Airburst, etc.
4x Akeron MP (2x ready-to-fire) ATGM’s with infrared-homing or television guidance.
Arquus T3 RCWS w/ 7.62mm MAG 58 machine gun.
Pilar V Acoustic Warning Receiver.
ANTARES Laser Warning Receiver.
PASEO-C (Commander) and PASEO-T (Gunner) 4th-generation thermal imagers w/ IRST.
Thermal Imager for the Driver.
Slat Armor (Optional).
BARAGE Radio Jammer (No current purpose in-game, could change in the future.)
Estimated BR: 11.0
Based on armament and mobility. The upcoming Puma S1 will likely be 10.7-11.0 and this vehicle will certainly play on similar aspects but trading armor for greater firepower and mobility.
BR could increase to BR 11.3 in the future if the vehicle is equipped with Thales’s Diamant Hard-kill Active Protection System (APS).
Slat Armor should be a removable modification.
Slat-armor equipped EBRC Jaguar Image
Thales Diamant APS
Additional Note:
Hopefully with the inevitable addition of the EBRC Jaguar, we see the similarly-armed (40mm CTAS Autocannon) Ajax AFV for the UK Tree.
ANTARES is much more than your run-of-the-mill LWR:
It gives the exact position of any rangefinder which is lasing you and tells you whether it is infantry, a tank, a plane or helicopter.
It’s able to automatically detect any armoured vehicle which comes within a 500m radius due to a 360° camera.
Pilar V would also be insanely good due to its range of 2km.
Basically if the enemy either:
Laser rangefinds you
Shoots their cannon
Comes within 500m of you
They will get scouted. It would be borderline OP lol.
Also the French cooked with CTAS 40, it should be able to frontally penetrate a T-55. The vehicle is also decently mobile and agile and generally immune to autocannon.
It could very easily go to 11.7 to be honest. But I doubt it would come anytime soon knowing the devs even though all the necessary info has been passed to them down to the gear ratios.
BTW Object 187 is one of the rarest times a soviet design bureuo was developing something out of it’s own interest and funds: Object 187 was being developed without official funds from USSR/Russian Federation.
Object 640 is another case of this but from Omsk: it was being developed without any interest from the army: which unfortunately led to Omsk going bankrupt despite exporting T-80U’s to other countries in not a bad amount. In case of UVZ it didnt go bankrupt for being main producer of T-72 series for multiple countries and then additionaly producer of T-90 series.
Object 187 would influence both 195 & 148, while Object 640 was rumored to test T-14’s FCS.
It makes me very sad to see the missile proxy fuse, and then do no damage due to excessive fuse delay. Basically have to literally shove the missile down somebody’s throat to hurt them from a head-on. Plus, if you’re a normal player, it’s much harder to hit someone paying attention from rear aspect than it is to catch someone in front aspect.
T-14 obr.2024 with Nakidka MCS.
But the Nakida effectively blinds the tank by covering the turret sensors, the radars, the gunner’s and commander’s optics, and disables the APS and LWR.