Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 1)

Dont we already have something like this in the game? It just lacks the auto cannon in game

no, it’s not 2s25 or obj.685, should be same cannon as 2s9, which not in game yet

Puma S1

The S1 configuration with Spike LR/LR2, MUSS 2.0, drone defence kit and turret independent granate launcher.

MUSS 2.0:
The sensor network enables the system to detect threats such as wire- and laser-guided ATGMs as well as tracer rounds, RPGs, muzzle flash and fire from explosive projectiles.
Improvements include the detection and classification of low-power lasers used in beam riders and second-generation laser rangefinders.
The jammer of current generation MUSS is proven to be effective against optically tracked wire-guided, jam resistant 2nd and 3rd generation (those guided by IR seeker) missiles, laser target designated (LDT) guided munitions and laser range finder threats.
With MUSS 2.0 jamming of IR-guided ATGMs is achieved by the IR jammer visible on the top of the system, that uses now laser based IR jamming, which sounds to me very much like DIRCM.

Drone defence kit:
It uses RF sensor on the top of the turret to detect drones, then it gets tracked and shot down with AHEAD ammunition


it’s a pick of a predecesor of the 2-S25 SPRUT-SD back in very early development , compared to the modern SPRUT-SD , witch is based on a BMD-4 chassi , and was developed in the 2000’s , this is one of the project thought of to enlarge the capability’s of the BMD-3 (OBJECT-950) Chassi in 1990 , the vehicle itself having finished it’s testing in 1988 and being commanded that same year , with a second batch of them to come in 1990.

here are some of the other project from that same time on the same chassi , you can recognise in this pick what would become (not necesarly on the BMD-3 chassi) the already mentionned 2S25 Sprut-SD taking the other-all design , the BMD-4 taking the gun configuration (althought the 120mm gun was replaced by a 100mm one like the BMP-3) , the 2C18 “Pat-S” (on BMP-3 chassi) , a failed attempt to put the nona spg turret on a BMD-3 chassi , and what would become respectively the TKB-841 (on a BMP-3 chassi) and the ZPRK Roman/ЗРПК “Роман” (on a actual BMD-3 chassi)




CAC.27 as well as 32 and F-86H even though they would struggle at the Br they would inevitably be placed at.


I don’t even think they’d suffer too badly at the current br of the CL-13 MK.6 would still have a better flight model but CAC-27 would be much punchier (not sure about the -86 H)

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CL-13 Mk.6A is glorious but fighting 3 people at once and winning only to get strafed or missiled by a supersonic jet is a bit of a pain greatly limiting your potential.

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German Luchs recon and Luchs A1 recon
German Leopard 1A3
german Leopard 2 A1 and leopard 2 A3
German Fuchs family
German Spz lang hs.30 normal IFV
German Marder 2 protype, should be premium as all protypes should be.
German M42 / Flak 40mm L60 ZwSF
German Boxer with lance turet
Puma with ATGM´s and its uprgade kit for armour and the ability to downgrade it to standart armour.
Soviet BRDM family recon to ATGM models
Soviet Bear bomber and ASW and ASM versions
Soviet Blackjack
Soviet Mig 25 and Mig 31
Soviet BuK
Soviet BTR family


Id rather see given Pzgr. L’Spur and/or H-Pzgr. L’Spur given to 3,7 cm Flaks than that thing in the german Tree.

I rather see the M42 / Flak 40mm L60 ZwSF as it was the initial equipemnt of the Bundweswehr and it is a historical vehicel that is missing in the thre. I dont care for shooting enemy grund units with AAA. So rather the M42 then some meme ammo.

Its worse than Ostwind and Wirbelwind tho? If you want a higher power slower fireing gun, then youll also find the 5 cm Flak 41 L/67 on Sd.Kfz.7 and DB L 4500 A.

What part of “the M42 / Flak 40mm L60 ZwSF as it was the initial equipemnt of the Bundweswehr and it is a historical vehicel that is missing” you do not want to understand?


They don’t need it though? It’s pure copy paste and wouldn’t be filling any gaps. I’m guessing you want the East German T-34-85 and IS-2 as well.


Yes if its a nations arsenal it belongs in the tech three. It fill the gap for early cold war AAA. Not the protype ww2 gear that was long time decomishend and not anym more in use.
It provides better armor for one and better mobility so there is that.

Always funny seeing people argue in a wishlist.


UDES 19XX with the beautiful marder chassis





Marder chassis was bought from west germany alongside a leopard 1 for trials.


Flag_of_the_Japan_Self-Defense_Forces_sv Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle - ICV Emblem_of_the_Japan_Ground_Self-Defense_

Common Tactical Wheeled Vehicle - Infantry Combat Vehicle (CTWV-ICV) for Japan. I’m curious what it’s official designation will be, supposedly 24 are to be purchased. Essentially a 8x8 with 3rd-gen thermals (expected) and a 30mm Mk.44 Bushmaster Autocannon. Likely BR for it 9.7 since it essentially plays as a VBCI-2 (MCT30).

Also hope they integrate ATGM’s onto the turret or have a dedicated ATGM variant.

For fun:

Modern Japan Lineup:

  1. Type 10 (or Type 10 w/ hardkill)
  2. Type 90
  3. Type 16
  5. Type 89
  6. Type 96 MPMS
  7. Type 87 SPAAG
  8. Type 81 (C)
  9. AH-64DJP
  10. 1F-15J(M)

If there is any reason (though I can’t think of any, even its two TC-2 ARH missiles for BVR) why the F-CK-1A shouldn’t be an entry-level Rank VIII for the ROCAF branch… then the F-16/79 (could even just use the prototype as the basis model) with Sparrow should fill the spot left by properly-equipped F-16A Block 20 being moved up BR.

Taiwan F-16/79 armed AIM-7F Sparrow ?

I just know F-16/79 prototype from USA limited WVRAAM AIM-9 sidewinder only (AIM-9E & AIM-9J), AGM-65A & B Maverick and Mk 82 500 lb general purpose bomb

F-CK-1A it might be early fighter aircraft 13.0 but worse F-CK-1A MLU & F-CK-1C, Mirage 2000-5EI and F-16A Block 20 MLU 2007