Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

idk you’re asking the wrong guy there

Hopefully gaijin can model ECM properly

don’t we already have IRCCM? ain’t that ECM too?

u had to be a bit more specific then, ecm pods arent normaly brought together with flares, when i hear ecm i think about cerberus and the likes

Still either way, the ICE is DOA and just bad, it might be the “best” phantom currently, but in its br its just bad against the vehicles it faces

ECM is electronic countermeasures
flares and chaff are not very electronic
And IRCCM is Infra red countetr countermeasures

Currently the Gripen A, C and Mirage 4000 are some of the best performing aircraft within the game.

A lot of the aircraft you are mentioning are some of the final domestic aircraft options available for those respective nations. We are not in a rush to get to the end of aviation technology and have plenty more gaps we intendto fill and areas to balance our before moving towards that era of aviation that is veru much a step up from where we are currently.

Now respectfully, we have answered several times today alone, along with the two previous major updates rumor roundups regarding Typhoon. I understand it’s an aircraft you and others really wish to see (I do too personally one day) but we really do not need to keep discussing it every single rumor roundup topic.

We are not close to it right now. That is the facts of the matter and as we already mentioned, expectations should be adjusted accordingly.


I know but the Su-39 got sth electronic iirc

Thats a IR Dazzler

Once again, some nations have multiple variants of an aircraft inside a timeframe where other nations have only one or two.

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Yeah, at least this means the Sea Harrier FA2 doesnt have to face F-15Cs with AMRAAM now right? Because surely those are “not close” either.

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Because they are perfect for the mindless furball spam…

Maybe try to make actually good longer range maps and see how BVR capable jets will become the best ones.

No they seem to be close sadly

Well, it qualifies as ECM, or EIRCM

Speaking of F-15C, the UK in the future could get the Singaporean F-15.

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IRCCM is kind of different from ECM. ECM works against radio frequency and IRCCM works against IR

I doubt it. my biggest fear of the Gripen C has come to pass. All Native stuff is geting denied because “you have the Gripen C, what else do you want”.

I relaly dont want 1000 C&Ps over the native options we do have left. 2023 sucked enough without them, 2024 is looking to be the same again. At least we have some hope on the Horizon for aircraft added in 2022 to be finished this year with the roadmap

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I know yes

I meant since we already have a mechanic for some system to make missiles worse in the game then that would mean that it should be fairly easy to just port that one over to Radar

Nope, ECM refers to anything that is a countermeassure and is electronic, IRCCM is IR counter countermeasure, so a system that tries to counter IRCM

“some” thats the important part, the strength always gets lead by stronger american or russian planes, what movran is brining in a new meta with purely european planes as example and leaving ussr /us alone for that update, so that other nations shine. As it stands currently the F-16C is still one of the best planes for quite a few udpates


I get this.
But lots of minor nations have been dealing with the lack of lineups and specific vehicle categories (like France with light tanks and Japan with heavy tanks and CAS.).

These issues have been here for years and years, and despite there being plenty of options left to add - they havent recieved one (these were just examples, France has gotten a light tank, but not in the form of a TT IFV above the br of 8.0).

Despite these issues, the main three nations have been getting lineup fillers to boost there lineup. To the point you cant even take anymore vehicles for that br, because you run out of crew slots.

Meanwhile most minor nations are losing battles because they simply run out of vehicles.