Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

It could be more Spitfires. (or other WW2 stuff/not top-tier jets)

The RAF Sabers anyone?

doesn’t matter you use that version which gives a mod a reason to ban you for sometime.

do we know when to expect the first Major of the year?

The Typhoon and it’s systems are a half generation ahead of where we are currently. I’m not going to list out each and every reason, but it is not comparable to anything in game currently.

We have answered this numerous times already. So let’s please remain on topic.


give me the brimstone to ruin GRB

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So, like the F-16 and Mig-29 were compared to the Tornado F3 and Viggen D?

the f word is a ban reason, thats why i write ducking

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So does this mean my boy now has a chance.

RNZAF brought some F-16 but were cancelled at the last minute before delivery

yeah no it doesnt

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M8 the door is now wide open for these type of jets now for the UK

who would the New Zealanders fight with their F-16s?

google it

Really you use a word and don’t know what the real meaning behind it is lol

As we have already answered, no this is not planned. The SA Gripen was added that fits with Britians existing sub tree.


ooh Smin, Hi Smin

got any infos for us?

Yeah, looks like we are stuck with the Gripen A until next year then. Gunna be a LONG… year. at least the new BR brackets in SB means the Tornados are finally playable.

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I guess 12.7 BR for 3rd gen fighter with early 5th gen IR AAM and active radar homing MRAAM from 90’s ~ late 2000’s and 4th gen fighter with 90’s Air-to-Air & Air-to-Ground armament from 90’s ~ early 2000’s

Aviation 13.0 ~ 13.3 BR for early 4+ gen fighter with PESA radar, F/A-18 legacy hornet 90’s ~ early 2000’s with AIM-120, F/A-18E Block I and 4th gen fighter mid 2000’s

Sad but by that I’m guessing we are going to have more SA aircraft in the future then.

so were the F-14 Tomcat, Mig-29, F-16’s etc… when they were added. Minor nations couldnt touch them. So why can’t britain or any other minor nation start with some top-tier-ruining content?


That is exactly what I dont understand