Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

You know what we need? License plates and weight decals.

(If devs don’t put those as standard on a tank skin)

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You know what else we need?
More nose art decals

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Generally skins are introduced when a vehicle first times to the game or for specials.

Whilst it’s not outside the realms of possibility for some skins to get retrospectively added, it’s not something currently planned for these machines.


Speaking of subs will gaijin considering reworking how subs are added to the game since it’s one of the main focus for this year ?

Ah shame, would be a good way if working around the density argument (by adding skins instead of entire copy pastes)


Well, another reason to show Gaijin that we want this


It’s up to LITENING IV now, so it would have some of the best optics in the game. Gonna have great IRST and radar too. Russian AGM’s, so at least Kh-29TE…

Probably wouldn’t be the Super Sukhoi upgraded version if it is added alongside the SU-30SM so an earlier version with LITENING III would be fine

anyone want to talk about how the LANTRIN pod on the f15E/I is kind of bad? like we have pods with insane zoom and you can actually look for targets around the entire ground map, with the LANTRIN, you have vision around MABY 1 point, The F15E/I also used a Litening Pod, As well as a SNIPER Pod, which are infinitely better, so why choose the Lantrin?

Wouldn’t matter tbh. LITENING IV predates “Super Sukhoi” program, afaik.

Hey, at least you are not stuck with the TIALD pod, like the Harrier GR.7 and Tornado GR.1 are

Bro swedish superiority in GRB again lol.

What the F16D already has derby
The only thing it need is python 4 and we are set

Some people feel discouraged though, because many outstanding reports on the vehicle have been “acknowledged/accepted” for months and nothing has been done about them yet.

These are just a few examples;

1- Still missing lower front plate spall liners.
2- Still too small first-order ammo rack (back bin should be included).
3- Still too slow first-order ammo rack replenishment speed (twice as long as any other MBT).
4- Mantlet’s trunnion is still hollow (just because the shield has cavities it doesn’t mean it ought to be hollow; those cavities aren’t there to be left empty…)
5- Challenger 3 (TD)'s turret damage model is still a non-matching copy-paste of the pre-rework Challenger 2 turret even though a more appropiate model had already been ingame before being reverted the following update after having been corrected.
6- Challenger 3 (TD) is still missing 17 HP because the developers did not convert BHP to HP even though the engine power is correct on all other Challengers which have the same engine.
7- Challenger 3 (TD) is still the only Challenger family member to have a 6 second reload for no real reason at all, making it, all in all, barely a sidegrade if not a downgrade compared to other family members, even though it was suppossed to be the pinnacle of the British Ground tree.
8- The LFP add-on armor on TES and 2F still has different thicknesses and protection values across both tanks despite supposedly being the same armor; in both cases, WAY too low.

That’s why I hope you understand why many of us are underwhelmed by the developers claiming that “Challenger 2 was already worked on and fixed” when the majority of its issues still remain.

Functionally, the only changes that really made a difference were the mobility-related ones. I won’t deny those.


Do you think it will be relevant to file a bug report so that ginjin implements ammunition tracking in the replay??



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it’s not a bug, you can write a suggestion though

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okay I’m going to see that, it makes me think that the CCRP system on the map is thanks to me that gaijin had the idea I put them in a bug report and strangely in the last update it was implemented (it’s just for bragging haha)


Its unlikely we will see any vehicle get this kind of attention again due to the result with the Challenger.
There are over 3500+ accepted reports on the bug forums and hence devs mostly focus on fixing recent issues. It doesn’t help that the last two updates have been quite rushed and with lots of bugs on release.

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A Youtuber called SkDoger (very great guy, I know him), made a video regarding Crew Skills and what they do about 7 months ago.
Keen Vision has been proven to affect how far away you can see/render tanks.

Recently, another Youtuber, Gladiator, made a video regarding how sometimes people just cant hear tanks, and as opposed to some people saying “It’s just a skill issue”, he did some tests and the reason why you dont always hear an enemy tank engine is due to the same skill, Keen Vision.

Gladiator referenced SkDoger’s video on it, and so now you’d imagine people are flocking over to increase their Keen Vision stats for their crew.

Both videos linked below





It’s very silly, I get it affecting when aircraft are marked in Air AB and RB and presumably with tanks in Ground AB, but it shouldn’t affect the actual rendering of vehicles or the sound, honestly the whole crew skill aspect of the game is silly and should be removed or at least reworked, ace qualifications for crews are one of the least free to play friendly things in war thunder, giving paying players noticeably higher reload rates for tanks and g-tolerance for aircraft is just wrong

and they aren’t cheap either, getting an ace qualification at top tier costs about £20 for one aircraft

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