Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Map men!


According to Thatz, IRIS-T was planned to be acquired/it could use them. I have my doubts but I’ve been told a few times it’s true.

Making it a bit more fancy than just a normal ADATS

I don’t think it will get it tho, as no pictures exist.

Surprised someone recognized it lol

I mean, there is a reason why I doubt it could even use them in the first place.

I couldn’t even find anything about Canada looking at the missile, so unless the company contracted to build them was adding the capability for more personal stuff, I don’t see why it could use them

Belgian Forges de Zeebrugge SA spotted!

more CVR(T) is always good hehehe

for those that want to visit the suggestion: Alvis FV108 Streaker CVR(t) MLRS

When people are discussing the CAS is too powerful and needing better SPAA, Chinese are still struggling to get their IR F&F missiles, they can only use AGM65B(without TVD pod) and KH29T to against SA-22 lmao

Yeah, China really needs new CAS, and I’m really hoping the KD-88 will come with the J-10B.

C-703/704 It will be better

That’s an anti-ship missile.

KH29/38 is also an air to ship missile, while 703/704 has a TV and infrared seeker that are sufficient for ground combat

I haven’t read anything saying that it has either a TV or IR seeker, only ARH. Do you have a source for this?

bro east germany had those vehciles and now germany deserve to have them and i think they will add them in future



They are Soviet and thus will only ever represent the Soviet Union. There are indigenous German counterparts and thus these ones should never be added.


east germany mig-19pm with AA-1 Alkali (K-5) air to air missile

in this version guns have removed and 4 missiles have been added


this is mig-21sps germany, war thunder should add these rocket boosters to it

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If the modifications were made by East Germany, awesome, add it, however if not, then it shouldn’t be added to Germany.

in a museum in germany, an kh-25 air to ground missile is next to a mig-21 as its weapon!

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