Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

sure, but what if duo on enemy team is using this strategy as well? and what about lone CAS aircraft, with mavericks or Kh-38

Then you get the shitty top tier GRB gameplay that we currently have, where everyone has to rush to get into a plane because they can’t use their tanks due to the amount of CAS completely annihilating everything on the ground

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Air additions are plenty I’m sure China will get some more CAS before more top tier SPAA are added

They have glide bombs on the J-10 and JF-17, don’t they?

i dont know why buddy lasing is your main concern, when the GBU-53 has been datamined. The F-15E can carry 28 of these, they are GPS, Laser, IIR, and MMW ARH guided

buddy lasing would only be really good for laser mavericks, LJDAM, and Paveways. everyone brings IR mavericks anyways so buddy lasing will be still quite niche since you need 2 cooperative squadmates for it to work well

I hope so
But China could have received a container for the F-16 and had at least something for a long time (in real life this plane should be ± similar to the F-16AM)

2 bombs on a J-10 at 12.3? That’s on par with a Jaguar at 10.3
and the JF-17 has worse CAS capabilities than the JH-7A + has the same class of attack aircraft(BR is higher)

its not main concern, its just that ground battles is already an overflowing sewer, and buddy lazing would be putting more poop in that it can’t handle


so add CIWS truck, add better SPAA and then itll work, since ingame ground battles is much more tame for tanks compared to IRL

Just like several AShMs, the Ruhrstahl X-4, a T-90 for the US, etc?

Oh, you mean like the Brimstone? lol

Again, buddy lasing isn’t just a thing for planes, it is a mechanic that works for tanks too. A player having to choose between low risk FnF for safe gameplay or high risk SALH for a higher precision and a potentially higher reward is a good thing.
Letting people bypass risk by having another person that isn’t really at risk either guide their SALH weapons or even indirect artillery fire is not a good thing.

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Who’s list is this? Seems very unlikely.

brimstone is only laser and MMW irl

GBU-53 will still have GPS and IR guidance left

and anything requiring 2 players to work together to make it effective vs just one lobbing FnF as it is currently, isnt as unbalanced as typical IR FnF

Since when do Brimstones have MMW ingame tho


they will probably remove MMW, but GBU-53 will still have 3 guidance options left

We already have A2G weapons with GNSS+Laser or GNSS+IR, so that would just be another drop in the ocean.


Looks at the RnR and sees KhorneFlakez1337 arguing for over an hour = Ok I’m out

Even with better AA, it’ll still be an awful mechanic for tankers to have to deal with.

CAS is already so strong. Just feels like total overkill to give them another busted mechanic.

The only thing that stops this new map based TGP aim mechanic we got being completely indefensibly broken is the fact the plane still needs to expose himself to launch. Buddy lazing would remove that requirement.

Anti air is no longer anti aircraft at that point. It’s just a futile game of projectile whack’a’mole, and it’s impossible to intercept everything.


Any actually reliable leaks or same no name discord stuff someone made?


There was some BR change chart someone posted, but had enough little errors for it to be dismissed as a trust me bro source


Do you have a link to that?