Yeah, China really needs new CAS, and I’m really hoping the KD-88 will come with the J-10B.
C-703/704 It will be better
That’s an anti-ship missile.
KH29/38 is also an air to ship missile, while 703/704 has a TV and infrared seeker that are sufficient for ground combat
I haven’t read anything saying that it has either a TV or IR seeker, only ARH. Do you have a source for this?
bro east germany had those vehciles and now germany deserve to have them and i think they will add them in future
They are Soviet and thus will only ever represent the Soviet Union. There are indigenous German counterparts and thus these ones should never be added.
east germany mig-19pm with AA-1 Alkali (K-5) air to air missile
in this version guns have removed and 4 missiles have been added
this is mig-21sps germany, war thunder should add these rocket boosters to it
If the modifications were made by East Germany, awesome, add it, however if not, then it shouldn’t be added to Germany.
in a museum in germany, an kh-25 air to ground missile is next to a mig-21 as its weapon!
It’s funny because the BMP-1, T-72M1, and Osa/Strela are all at BRs that are also occupied by unique German-made vehicles. Gaijin tried to push Russian copy paste into the German tree and unintentionally showed just how little it actually needed them.
I still wonder if China has any A2G missiles whose flight speed is over 1 Ma, compared to kh38 or AASM, CM-704KG seems too slow, KD-88’s max speed is over 1.3 Ma, but the shoot range makes it can’t be added.
Can anyone here tell me if Romania is officially a subtree for Italy? Or is it one of those cases like the Swiss vehicles where it’s just a place for them to reside?
I honestly welcome east German stuff. As it allows people to make line-ups of just their stuff. (And I typically hate soviet C&P (I got sick of the ZSU spam))
As thematic/historical line-ups have been something even I’ve begun doing and have been enjoying them. So I see why others like doing it.
Gaijin has stated that all minor axis nations are, with only Hungary having been announced on its own. Romania has borderline been confirmed with the Osa and IAR-93B, however.
If they are East German modifications, yes, they are very much welcome, however a T-55AM, for example, where it’s not in any way needed due to its BR already being filled shouldn’t come.
this missile AA-1 Alkali is not in the game yet, and they should add it and east germany had this jet and this missiles and deserve t get it