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Swiss F/18 actually makes a lot of sense for Germany lol.

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there is a reason for that, because belivie it or not these planes are all meant to be similar to one another, they are gen 3 jets with fox 3s thats why, all of them are worse compared to any of the 4th gen jets with fox 3s, so whats the point in comparing them to an F15C or an Su27SM

NK to PRC, SK to ROC. Makes sense.


don’t start that argument again please

I mean China already got a North Korean jet as a premium.
The people who don’t understand it, are the ones who want it to be a independent tree.

I mean India doesn’t make sense for Britain but we got it.

Plus It seems like gaijin want to add 2 sub nations/trees to a country now.

France = Belgium & Netherlands
Britain = South Africa and India
Italy = Romania & Hungary
Sweden = Finland and Norway

So why can’t China have NK & SK ?


Lol, lmao even. Decent bait attempt


You can laugh but don’t act surprised or angry when gaijin does do it.

I mean without Japan or an independent tree where would they go ?

The only real space would be the US but it seems gaijin is reluctant to given the big 3 a sub atm.

Recent politics has shown that NK&SK no longer consider each other as the same nation(ethnicity), unlike a good portion of Taiwan who still claim so. They can be split up now but I would anticipate a joint and independent tree.

more likely to get NK and maybe Pakistan, whike I assume Japan will get Thailand and South Korea

I doubt North Koreans would ever see the internet never mind being with south Korea.

SK has been denied a lot by gaijin staff even Oxy said so awhile back.

Japan will get Thailand and another pacific nation

then no one should get SK I dont think america needs it, and china defiantly shouldn’t


I think they might give K1 tanks to US and just leave it at that for SK

It has the potential to be an independent tree. Well, if gaijin actually puts enough effort into making sure that unique SK designs gets pumped out. There are ofc a lack of MBTs prior to K1 series, but Korea has a decent amount of cold war IFVs and light tanks to keep its flavor up from tier 4 ish. AA, fighters and CAS too.

Another reason I would advocate for joint Korean tree is mostly because how both sides has a notable number of unique AAs - as of right now, the last event or premium AA(disregarding the 2S38, which was an AA irl) was like 8 years ago. Noteworthy names include the K30 Biho and its upgraded version with mistral launchers, M1992 SPAAG, K-SAM pegasus, VTT-323 with igla or strela etc.

Maybe because all the nations you mentioned have at least a connection, i can see North Korea work but South Korea without a doubt make no sense in China.

Besides that S.Korea could technically be in Israel because they sold arms to S.Korea and they Also assisted in some Korean developments but i still looking forward for United Korean Tree.


Which is mostly based on nation main wishes/fantasies.

Just give them an israeli style tree or just group them together with a bunch of other SEA/pacific nations.


A subtree for Israel would be very complex, and argubaly, even excluding the ongoing politics and military conflict in the middle east.
Introducing a subtree would more than certainly introduce MBTs and even top tier MBTs. The merkavas are in a really bad position right now, with rather poor protection and only mediocre firepower, whilst being a huge target for CAS and helis alike. Were a nation, say, Korea, introduced, the K2 would be much preferrable to the merkava: equally if not better protection, autoloaded gun, universality with NATO rounds hence K279(DM53), and lastly, vastly superior mobility, all at the tradeoff of one less crew. What is the point of playing or grinding merkavas at all? And, will the issues with merkavas be solved at all?

We already see this on Italy which is infuriating. People who played Germany or Sweden coming to Italy with no respect to domestic designs.

Even the light tanks are much preferrable in the current meta, the K21 IFV uses a 40mm cannon alongside with spikes to make sure they are able to engage at some of the worse MBTs face on, unlike the namer. The tree would not be called Israel, it would be called South Korea and vehicles that doesnt have an use.

Honestly, this just depends on what protection Gaijin would decide to give the K2 if/when it gets added.

We can’t know for sure but judging by gaijins choices the Abrams (K1 is just a modified abrams, desighed by US) seems like something they want to keep to the US, they sssm to have no intention of putting it somewhere else.

Now, I would not much care if the United Korea happened and they got the K1, it’s sufficiently different where hopefully most US mains wouldn’t scream copy paste. But I would appreciate an MBT similar to the Abrams with US history and a somewhat different play style.