Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

got a new phantom…

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I don’t think you really have to worry about that yet, seeing as you only seem to be at rank V.

Also while funny, the standard reddit US main act is getting a little repetitive.

Why should a Unified Korea subtree be added to China?


I really hope something to replace F-4F ICE for next update, just it.

Tbh need moar than that lmao.
But ye thx for the reminder, need to get it into my collection.

doubt it since gaijin seems allergic to the EFT

atleast something better than garbagae F-4F at 12.7. Even to grind this plane is pain because this plane cant flying fast as Gen4 fighter. I cant reach the nearest base and need to wait until enemy being cleared so I can take the further base. Nothing can this garbage do with those speed at 12.7 and always met with 13.0.

I know how you feel but we had it even worse trying to stock grind the Shar at least with the F4F ICE you can carry a decent amount of bombs and still have a full AAM load out, and you get stock IRCCM missiles

Ah yeah atleast you guys gen 4th fighter have HMS. With this garbage F-4, just to point your nose to get lock tone already waste a lot of energy and enough to make you lost from mach 1.06 to mach 0.8 in a second. And dont forget most of Gen 4 fighter have a lot of flare.

I would honestly prefer we mainly had only our own aircraft, and even then the F4F ICE is defiantly the best fox 3 buss below 13.0

Ltes be fair, UK will stuck with tornado too if using this logic. And you mean the best Fox3 buss below 13.0? Bruh 12.7 is not even far than 13.0 just 0.3 and exact below 13.0 there is no different 12.7 adn 13.0. Still in the same match. It just to make it “looks better”.

I mean in terms of the gen 3s with fox 3s the F4F ICE is defiantly the best, you cant sit there and tell me its worse then the Shar or the J8F or the Tornado, when it can actually turn and has something none of these other jets have, that being a stock IRCCM missile making the stock grind far easier not to mention being able to carry a large amount of bombs

By the time f35 is added will probably be at top tier, and im finally getting to the point where sim is getting easier, so I’ll probably A4E base bomb my way to rank 6 in about 2 months.

F-35 will end up in most tt anyways, not much I can do about that since US, UK, DE, IT, JP, and Israel will get it off the top of my head.

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I mean yeah they all bought it so they should get it lol

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Sales around the corner, any guesses to which packs will be selected for discounts?

Because it supposedly “doesn’t have enough” and “not all countries need a tree”

Your argument is funny, you compare J8 and Tornado to F-4F ICE. This 2 nation already “have” something better in the TT. You can bring AV-8+ too if you want. But turnout all of this country already have something better and not “stuck” with garbage in their TT.

Seeing how they are fine with keeping top tier ground an absolute stompfest for 6 months, I have honestly almost given up on the hope that we will ever get balance anywhere in game.

Still doesn’t explain why he thinks China would be a better fit than the country which shall not be mentioned

inb4 they add CF-18 and CH-18 to Germany and UK so they don’t have to add a Typhoon

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