Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Damn I might have to become French… this ain’t looking good.

Many aircraft do not yet have their full HUDs or have placeholders. These are planned to be worked on and introduced.

We do not plan a Dev blog as invidual reports will be reviewed and resolved wherever possible as with every other vehicle in game.

ETA? Been 18 months for the FRS1. Its hard enough as it is with only 2x Aim-9Ls to worry about in Sim. With long range AMRAAMs now as well. The lack of HUD is going to render the aircraft almost unplayable. I would quite like to be able to play the FA2 within the next year or so.

Again… been waiting 18 months for many of them to be resolved.

Did gripens get MAW or did they just refuse a feature that the C has? Also any other vehicles get MAW with the update?

Perhaps the rewards for kills with AMRAAMs are even lower than those for other guided munitions. Did you have a talisman on the F-16?

A few:

But no chance the Gripen will ever get it. Just like the nerfed BOL rails. Its probably added as a balancing decision. Harrier Gr7 still doesnt even have the correct MAWS. it barely works currently

Eh, not like im gonna grab the gripen lol, they nerfed the turn by another 1° and yikes thats gonna be annoying also only having aim 9ms to fight amraam every match is pure sadness lol.

Maybe. I don’t.

@Smin1080p Any explanation on why the Chinese F-16A Block 20 MLU got its CM reduced to 60 and why it still doesn’t get its historical Air munition like AIM-9P-4 and AIM-9M? Why even have it be called MLU at this point if it will not have the weapons of the plane it’s named after?

Just in case you tell me to bug report it, here you go a couple of acknowledged bug reports from months ago


given that a vehicle from Kuwait is in the British tree, the M-84AB could be a Tier VI premium

The Khalid is Chieften Mk5. Its a British export tank. That’s why its on our Tree

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Mirage S4 doesn’t get MAWS?

Apparently not.

AGM-65D got nerfed compared to what we’ve seen in the dev server, it used to be a confirmed kill straight to the ERA on the T90M, somehow we cannot have anything that good.

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the missile is insane rn lol

Can kill a Pantsir atleast thank god.

Seems like gaijin decided against giving the JAS39C swed any useful atgms cause were still stuck with HE agm 65a’s while the SAAF grip gets its fake loadout. As per usual with the gripen for sweden.

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i think the only middle eastern stuff is the Challenger 1 with the L/50 and the Saudi EFT

So this was a lie lol


Man I really had to pick the 2 most slap to the face nations to main huh.