Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion




Thank you. You too :)


hmmmm how strange, I wonder why…

Well forgive me but from the comment previous to mine it made out like that was precisely what was advised…

I don’t know, so far I’ve only been shot down in error once, and that was on Dev (to which I educated the bloke who murdered my ass on what a Fox 3 can and cannot do, i.e. Identify friend from foe on its own)


The game is completely different now. I only got in one solid dogfight & I still used a Fox-3 on dude. I shot my gun once so far.


that thing of “hmm yes take an L, here I have a gift for you”

proceeds to ram an AMRAAM up someone’s tail pipe at a range of 3 miles.

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Good ending achieved 👍

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The meta should settle down in a few days. As people learn how to properly defend against ARH and the novelty wears off a little.

no squadron vehicle ?@Smin1080P

no squadron vehicle ?

lol much less than three. like a nose to nose under 700km/h at 4km or less.

Yeah I do really try to avoid friendlies to best of my ability.

Also keep in mind on the Dev server people are more prone to go yolo & not care about friendly fire since its just the Dev.

So that is always a factor.

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True, though given how he reacted I think it was more he genuinely didn’t know better.

Yeah, 100% still the GR3 HUD. 0 A2A symbology. Though they have at least bodged the radar gunsight to work. So that is something at least.

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as a matter of necessity i can only hope and pray that the next update or two are solely focused on fixing the game, mechanics and the dagor engine


Sorry I guess it’s Update Seek (the copypasteable models) and Destroy (unique trees and vehicles)

You must be new around here!

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Is there any official comment on why both the SHar FRS1 and FA2 have placeholder HUDs still. FRS1 was reported 9 months ago (Report)

Also, despite the fact the Sea Harrier FA2 has radar gunsight for the 30mm ADENs. It was not added to the FRS1. That was reported 4 months ago and assumed they would just come at the same time (Report)

Also, the F-15C got corrected to be able to guide all 8 AMRAAMs onto targets. And yet the bug-reports for the F3 and FA2 weren’t actioned (F3 Report & FA2 Report)

As for the Tornado… This is getting rather stupid now. 18 months and nothing… No radar, No chaff, No completed FM. The Tornado Gr1 hasnt even gotten its missing Mk82 Snakeeyes which im 90% sure was reported like a year ago.

I almost get not adding the Hinderburg tanks to the IDSs yet, as it may need a reskin, but not even the F3 “early” got them. its 100% the same airframe. Same skin, same mounting, same everything. That is literally a copy/paste and even that oppotunity was missed

Can we officially get a dev-blog akin to that of the one we got for the Challenger 2 for the Tornado (both IDS and ADV). Actually get some official comment on why the Tornado’s are being intentionally neglected

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Nope. Gunna F-18s slinging Aim-120C5s probably.

hey i’m allowed to dream alright

Well… now Top Tier is MICAs assassinating everything, cool I guess xD

Like, for real. Mirage appears, launches a MICA 150m away from you while you are at its 9, and it STILL hits you.

What’s with this missile?

Damn I might have to become French… this ain’t looking good.