Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Oh, I’m very dumb lol

yep true , but the dif. is that russia will get there’s “soon” , while wee gonna have to wait a couple decade for us


for the MEME’S but WHERE AMX-13-105


I mean Yak-141 got a radar because it didnt fit one, but had plans to. And the YF-17 has a radar, its just a garbage one.

So as far as im concerned the YF-17 is a “as is” addition. Not something that needs to get potentially plannes weaponry

My opinion on the “fantasy flares” is that there was mixed evidence. It came down to a judgement call for Gaijin and it being a premium, they opted to give it flares . If it was TT, maybe not.

But they need to model engine exhaust temps. You should not be able to evade any missile, when sat on full reheat with a single flare. Even SRAAMs would probably ignore a flare if the target has giant flames coming out of their engines.

The lack of that modeling, means the F5 ignores most threats. In all other respects it’s just good for ARB, it’s not on paper an amazing aircraft, just well suited for a furball


Now the real question is: Would the YF-17 be a navy plane line because of the F/A-18 it would eventually become, or pre-F-16 because it was part of that program? (If its premium then idk place your bets on its exact location in the premium coloumn)

Air Force line if TT though it’s probably a Prem or event. It has zero business being in the Navy line (the Navy only got involved after the initial program ended).

the 2D should get pavespike as well, again 2Ds are just a RN bucc upgraded to 2B standard after transfer to the RAF

Did the YF-17 ever get flares? That thought just dawned on me,
would defiantly suck if so…

But it does eventually develop into the F/A-18 tho. A Navy plane. So it has some business being there

No clue

DEV STREAM tomorrow (maybe)

that’s the regular stream

Now i feel sad.

? Blog?

dw we expect one the day after

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Nah just pages of history i think

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The 2D was the navy version. It ceased to be when the carriers were retired in the late 1970s, so lack any of the more modern S.2B upgrades. As far as I know, any S.2Ds transferred to the RAF were reworked into S.2Bs.

I think that’s just the regular weekly stream.

The F-4C (Air Force) also spawned from the F-4B (Navy). And the differences between the YF-17 and F/A-18A are more than the Phantoms. Navy aircraft (in the US line) can do CATOBAR ops off a carrier. The YF-17 cannot in anyway.