Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That one looks pretty nice

What’s annoying about the F5s, is all you have to do to fix them is increase their engine temps when on reheat.

I mean YF-17 is afaik a continued development of the F-5

There’s more than fixing engine temp, but it would be a start.

It is a development of the F-5, but it’s also the lighter, land based, initial variant of the Hornet. More similar to the F-16.

Take away the fantasy flares and fix their stupidly cold engines, without needlessly lowering their BRs, then we can talk about being nice

It’s the main thing in my opinion. Fix that, and they won’t be quite as annoying to fight, it would make its flares far less powerful

yes but AFAIK it was only ever armed with 2 Wingtip Sidewinders

Man, this makes me want to cry lmfao

Not good enough IRL, but more than good enough for sales as a $70 premium in War Thunder

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Yeah its a Hornet, but bad (IRL that is). Mostly because it had no propper radar from my understanding.

as I said, if there was an F-20 and an F-16A as Premium options the story would be kinda similar to IRL

nobody in their right mind would get the F-20

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I would :(


Honestly. It’s not the flares. Loads have flares at that BR and none complain about those.

It’s just the F5 is one of the coldest aircraft in game, especially when on reheat. Which means it insta defeats everything without effort. Fix the engine temps, flares become about as effective as everyone else’s.


It would be the analog to the F-16A Block 10. Most likely only armed with AIM-9Ls. Radar isn’t necessarily required.

Yeah, 2 9j or if Gaijin was considerate, it would have 2 9L.

Honestly seems like neat 10.7/11.0 material.

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Would it? I thought it only had a simple ranging radar

Edit: oh you mean performance wise, the plane that is

If the Leak list is going to be continuously true, what br would we see ZBD04 around?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the YF-17 shows up, it gets equipment to bring it in line with the Block 10. The devs could just leave it in it’s base prototype form, but they haven’t done that with modern jets (yet). Even the F-16AJ and YAK-141 got a full combat suite.

We are talking about the YF-17. Not the F-20

It’s the combination of the high maneuverability, the way too cold engines and then also having flares, while aircraft that are in dire need of flares at their BR don’t get the fantasy treatmen