Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Even if Italy gets the Hungarian 2A7, I’m still not grinding them as a nation. They would also have to get Spanish leopards or something for me to be interested

That would be fun. but Im never ever grinding another nation for Ground. But i’ve been tempted to grind Italy’s air tree at some point. Though their tree is a little… bland. Currently. Basically it would just be for the F-16 and AV-8B+. So probably gunna do france next. If i can be bothered. If the Buc S2B is a good indicator they are finally adding some interesting stuff to Britain. Then i’ll probably not bother with even that at the moment.

Teaser today and dev stream tomorrow? HMMMM

We can only hope but it depends on what the leaker means by “we’ll see on 29th” if they mean dev stream or the teaser.



It’s not easy to get a lock on ordnance. The PESA radar of the Pantsir doesn’t work properly, so I’ve had some missiles lose lock because people are launching, and then I have to decide what to engage with a new missile, the thing is boned right now. That being said, if you are good at selecting different modes for the missiles, that and the TOR are both pretty good right now.

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Teasers are usually Thursdays, and streams are usually Fridays.


I’ve been thinking about that myself. The Orange guy made it sound like everything would be shown off Thursday, and while the teaser sometimes show a lot, it doesn’t show everything, and leaves a lot out.
On Top of that, we have had a weird dev cycle, and I know for a fact that they devs are trying to compress the dev season, so maybe he did mean that the stream is Thursday, which i feel would make the teaser Wednesday, but we’ll find out soon enough


Yea, it’s hard to say.

Plot twist the teaser reveals Poland :P

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Grind props at least, they are fun, jets are way less interesting, though when they start to add Aermacchi jets and other advanced trainers (S.211, G.82 and etc) it should become much better.

You can still pen the majority of the 2A7V mantlet weak spot, you just have to know what you are aiming at.

Also 292 is a joke man. I thought I’d love it and it frustrates the hell out of me. A 292 with everything that was proposed to come on it, like the Object 195, would be very annoying and will single-handedly revive the claim of Russian bias for another decade.

If you don’t have the 292 I feel sorry for you, you’ll never get to experience the joy of overpenning a Stryker with a round that halfway tore a T-80U turret off the hull of it’s target test vehicle, only to have him plaster you with pesky 105 in your naked hull. FUN!

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@soviet_MoonMan Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2) - #2093 by soviet_MoonMan wheres that mythical vehicle of yours

they dont do teasers on wednesdays

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Eh… I mostly playing ASB these days. and I really need to get some foot pedals for rudder control. Flying without SAS mode is just hard work, so ignoring the props for now.

Not with L27A1. Its a tiny crack that is really easy to miss

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When the 2a7 is wiggling their turret and with the servers being how they are at mid to long range it’s a real struggle sometimes



I think at that time I was talking about the T-80UD, as it’s not a pick many people would care about since it’s more or less a worse T-80U that dosnt really serve any critical purpose.

I’m pretty sure it’s happened once or twice. Thaings sometimes change a bit, and the dev cycle has certainly been altered for this update