Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Thats because of gaijin soviet treatment
The times when soviets were weak have already passed
But we still continue to give it imbalance battle ratings

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I play mostly USSR, and I have teams of 292’s and TURMS and 2S38’s buckle ALL THE TIME.

I’m almost wondering if they’re cursing 10.0 with good vehicles so the w/r will go down.

187 would be more interesting in my opinion, while still being similar to the T-90A

With my friend we come to mind, that playing soviets literally degrades)
Its just too easy

2A66 with 3BM39 and the v3/v4 hull so it gets the GTD-1250 would be a fricken dream man. If they gave it thermals, it would be a blast at 10.7 or 11.0

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Yep, the introduction of NATO hull style gonna be massive, if it came with the 2A66, yike.


T-64A and T-72A’s fighting leopard 2’s and Abrams isn’t a fun matchup either, but thanks to BR compression we can only make thaings as fair as possible, not fun.

Hopefully this update thaings can move up from 8.0 all the way to a new 12.0

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What you think about BTR-4 coming ever?)

Pretty sure it uses a very similar turret to the T-90A, so should have thermals believe

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The tanks get a good reputation, people play them without learning how to play the game, they lose in their TURMS, quit after 1 death, and then I’m stuck with 3 other teammates trying to underdog a win against twice as many people on the other team. USSR isn’t good enough for you to solo a team, (most of the time). There is just an ounce of magical bullsh*t that graces the T-80BVM when the stars allign and you decimate the other team. But the 2A7V is good enough to stop that half the time now.

EDIT: Regarding the BTR-4, it won’t happen until the game can decide a happy way to include Ukrainian vehicles without the Ukrainian or Russian or Soviet main communites getting mad. I know most of my Russian friends don’t care, the few Ukrainians I know absolutely hate the idea of being in the USSR tree, I as an American who plays a lot of USSR, I don’t mind. If RoC and PRC can share the China tree, why not add some Ukrainian vehicles.


ESSA is good since the whole T-90A turret/FCS is inherited from 187 but Valgra-2 is more likely.

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Soviet tanks can be fun don’t get me wrong, but whenever I play western tanks like the leopard, I sometimes wounder why German mains bitch so much, when you have a great jack of all trades tank that can dominate. Thaings like the reverse gear, gun depression, and often worse mobility and optics until around 10.7 are all factors that work hard against you, and force you to take on a unique play style.

Also despite all the talk of Russian bias, they have some of the worst all around winrates at every BR, with top tier being the only real exception, but now even that has faded.


It 's another Su-25BM situation, the names are the same …

Since the names are all we have to go off of, it 's not impossible that the " ZSU-23-4M4 " could in fact be the belorussian version - their statcard flag is in the files:
( War-Thunder-Datamine/atlases.vromfs.bin_u/gameuiskin/lang_belarus.svg at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub )

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Because I finally can bomb every T90M and SPAA from space on my Tornado)

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The Pantsir spawncamping the air spawn

I don’t think so, buddy >:^].


That’s just a symptom of being 1 of the 2(or 3) main nations people play. Typically when I join a match (usually at top tier, but probably the same at lower BRs). It’s usually 1 major nation (US, USSR or Germany) with a few of the minor nations maybe on the team.

I can go from winning a match with X nation to loosing a match against X nation and win/loss rates are entirely dependent on the MM deciding what team to put me on. For Major nations, its not that simple. Their win/loss rates are far more dependent on the quality of the players as much as the quality of TT.

Not too mention a LOT more people play them. So they generally have more matches and more of the less experienced players. (I see a LOT of people say they gave up playing X nation and went to play US, USSR or Germany)

Though I do feel at top tier, its less soviets have gotten worse, but finally after quite a long time, other nations have finally caught up and its more a level playing field. The ERA on the Soviet tanks still drives me nuts. But its the Leopard 2A7Vs that are bit broken currently. Its impossible to 1 shot them

That though… is very annoying. A pantsir is the definition of dev bias still. A half competent Pantsir can just… block all CAS. Even if they dont shoot them down, they can just intercept all weapons. I tried and failed with 9 PGMs in 1 match, not one got even close.

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The 2A7 is def the new BVM, and I think German mains don’t realize how that’s gonna but then in the ass in the long run, as now gajjin can see it’s overwhelming positive prefromance and realize that they need to start adding more cracked tanks to other nations soon. I believe this will translate into MBT prototypes for the USSR and USA soon

The Belarusian flag is interesting for sure, but I’m skeptical, as the ZSU-23-4M4 was actually passed to the devs in the old forum some time ago. That version that was passed seems to clearly be the Russian Federation proposal, and I’m assuming thats what Gajjin picked, but we’ll have to see.

Yeah, well, we’ve already seen the Object 292 at only 10.0 , so I fear what they consider 11.7/12.0 worthy for the soviets next.

But yeah, the Germans have no room to complain at the moment, Ariettes, LeClercs, Merkava and Challengers all need some massive TLC next. Hoping the CR2 overhaul will give Britian 2A7V style mantlets that cant be penned. But im guessing Gaijin will just use it as an excuse to nerf them further