Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

France launched without a coastal tree, China launches without a bluewater tree. That’d be pretty funny.


I can tell it’s fake because it’s missing an important vehicle I know is coming.

prove it

Probably the Swedish Gripen C for one, since we know that’s coming.

And before them we still always got the aviation tree before ground…

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Not that, there’s another vehicle I’m waiting to see on a list that would pretty much confirm the validity of the list. It’s a vehicle thats most likely gonna be overlooked by anyone trying to make a fake leak list

then say what it is

Someones trusted me with the info, so I’m holding onto it, and the second I say it, anyone can just add it to their fake leak anyways, so it would lose its value as a indicator that a list is legit. I’ll tell you a list is legit when I see it.

dm me it

Afaik Hungary doesn’t have any unique jets, though some variants which aren’t presented in the game can be added, like MiG-23UB - an advanced trainer (with worse loadouts for lower br, just R-3S and R-13M). Things get better if Hungary is supported by Romania, then LanceRs, IAR-93/99 and Sniper (should be similar to other early MiG-29s, but with different RWR and probably without an access to R-27ER/T) can be added, some modifications can be premium/event/squadron others can go to the regular tree.

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Even then, a lot of “leakers” wait until we have 1-2 blogs out, add the confirmed vehicles to a list of random stuff they threw together that’s just whatever modern stuff they think seems cool, a famous battleship, and then call it a day.

Nothing of substance to discuss outside of what’s clearly been denied, or what they might add based on the contents of the previous update for example, I believe it’s unlikely this will bring much for top tier in terms of vehicles considering that was more or less the entirety of last update.

Any of the lists so far legit then? Like the orange guy and the Chinese one.

you trust them? lol

I’m sorry, but I’ve promised not to spread this info, and I have no way of knowing or trusting you. That being said, I will comment on when a leak looks real, and indicate when it seems fake

ok heres a deal, wait until another “leaklist” appears, if it does have the vehicle, you pm me what it is

The first two leaks have the best odds so far, but they are very short and obviously missing a lot and might get one or two vehicles wrong, but some of the vehicles on those lists should definitely be coming


I’ll just let everyone know when a list seems legit, that’s all


Realistically the only things we can assume to be true will be more 11.0+ Rank 7 premium MBTs, and we can speculate as to what ARHs are likely to drop IF this is the ARH update.

Only question is what MBTs are chosen as prems for nations that have several machines which could feasibly fill that slot, and whether China will just get ctrl+c ctrl+v R-77s or the PL-12.

Alright. I was just curious is all.

um1 wouldnt be bad, it apparently has arena aps 360°