Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

just say you were lying

? I mean, we can check, if anyone has a spreadsheet, but I think we’ve had atleast one earlier teaser

Also like I said, this dev cycle has been different, so anything can happen

my dude im talking about the vehicle you “know” is coming

wrong reply

The devblog cycle is young my friend. Patience.

ah yes, you “think”

i replied to the wrong one

Ahh, well you could of replied to the right thaing then lol.

I mean you don’t have to believe me, but I knew that was coming long before the leak list

At the time I knew if two vehicles coming, and the UD was one yee

There’s now two vehicles I know that should be coming that have yet to be put on the leak list ;) they should make some people happy

You can only find the UD on the list that is 4/4 so far. Seems like that extra kick to confirm the list imo.

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The T-80UD was one of the markers I was keeping an eye out on, although I remember a fake leak list that actually had it, but it also had the T-80UE and then left out several vehicles from the early Chinese guy leak

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While I couldnt find if radar is different, this thing has different and better lock on based on optics, allowing good accuracy when locking on, opposed to bad with radar of ZSU.

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Which is weird tho cus the optics look very similar if not identical to the base ZSU, so that’s why I’m skeptical
It’s possible they did the changes without changing the exterior, but usually such differences are visible.


Optical tracking would be really nice. Is it pure optical, or IRST?

It’s same optics but theres a computer inside for the optical lock on, at least so I read.

I will take a look again once I am able to.

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Would make since if it’s just optical like the Tor, vs IRST like other modern SPAA

Have a link for the info? I might wanna read for myself too. Also now I’m curious if it says anything about the laser warning receiver

This is all I could find

ZSU-23-4M4 and ZSU-23-4M5 (1999): modernized variants, armed with two additional paired “Igla” man-portable air-defense systems on each side of the turret and equipped with 81mm smoke grenade launchers, laser emission sensors, electro-optical vision devices (including television system for driver) and improved weapon radar system. The mechanical transmission was replaced with hydrostatic transmission, and hydraulic boosters were installed. Mobility increased to the level of main battle tanks. This upgrade was first shown during the MAKS-99 exhibition in Zhukovsky and was carried out by the Minotor Service Enterprise and Peleng Joint Stock Company from the Republic of Belarus, and the Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant of Russia. The Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant is also offering ZSU-23-4 upgrade packages independently.

First thaing I notice is that it says Smoke grenade launchers when none are visible, so I already don’t trust that description

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what are they

It say 1999 variants, so it’s not same vehicle, we need to look for some old photos

@NCC105 @aDSD
Ok I finally found it. This version here is the one that actually matches the description.
I cant see the optics tho, so hard to say if they are different or not tho.

I did however highlight all the differences I could spot, in red you can see the laser warning systems on the left and right, and then in yellow the smoke launchers. Also in green is the mentioned drivers TV camera.
I can’t find much more info tho, so if anyone has more pictures of this version, please share
Some more pics



Here’s an article talking about it, in Russian tho: "Old horse", which plows deeper new. Air defense for the soldier
A better article that talks about how the Optic is infact TV based but has no Thermals:
Army Guide