Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I doubt for USA might be F-15C (2001) with AN/APG-63(V)1 radar, armed IR SRAAM AIM-9M/AIM-9M-9, SARH MRAAM AIM-7MH & ARH BVRAAM AIM-120B/AIM-120C-3 but not equipped JHMCS before 2005

For USSR/RU, after Su-27S would be Su-30M1 (1996) or Su-27SM

For UK, new Tornado F3 with IR AAM with IRCCM & active radar homing MRAAM or Sea Harrier with ARH MRAAM or 3rd gen fighter aircraft with ARH BVR MRAAM

For china, doubt light combat aircraft with ARH MRAAM or early domestic chinese Multirole fighter or new J-11 with ARH MRAAM russian export but gajin considered give AIM-120C-3 or AIM-120C-5, AIM-9M or AIM-9M-9 replace AIM-9L, Paveway II LGB, new IIR AGM-65 and LANTERN pods on F-16A Block 20 MLU

For Israel, new Eagle (1999) with HMD, IR AAM Python 3/Python 4 and AIM-120B BVRAAM

For france, right MICA RF on Mirage 2000-5F and could add new Mirage F1 with MICA RF after Mirage F1CT

@Tact1calPh3n3x Summer major update : maybe the last of USN tomcat, doubt early Super Hornet coming to USA tech tree 3 years after F/A-18C (1999) but maybe F/A-18E Block I (2004)

I’m not sure that gajin might consider Strike Eagle in Q2 or Q3 but it might be Strike Eagle 1994


yo smin,do me a favor and confirm wither sweden can get a Tiger II (P) next update i really can’t wait till the teaser or the update.

We need to find some sekrit dokuments for South Africa improvising GSh-23-2 gunpods from downed migs to use as COIN aircrafts.

when the swedish gripen c comes will it loadout be the same as the SAAF one

I don’t think you’ll get a clear answer on that…
Or even answer at all.
EDIT: Or… Straight up denied.

Probably with amraams but the SAAF one will get them as well.
Shh dont tell them about the A-DARTER

I mean it is not for age but for balancing right :))

Yeah smin is not supposed to answer leaks, even though he may know them.

Yo, please do me a favour and wait for the offical news on what will be in the update rather than tagging me after a single dev blog. Thanks :)

We wont be saying what’s in the update until the news and announcements have come.


We need air spawn for TOG II


well this killed all the hype and emotions for the update. see ya later guys am gonna skip this update.


@Smin1080p Assuming the HuAF is indeed added, in case it is or is not is not supposed to be disclosed in the following devs teaser. Again sorry for the ping.

Smin’s chad level is off the charts

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Yea Smin is the real G




Thursday* so normal teaser day

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What eagle '99 from Israel you mean?

So no F15C ? :(

I think it is the dev stream that got delayed to the next day then.

No no no, keep your calm 😓