Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Womp womp

Aww man Can we get smth cool for Us, Ger, or USSR

Well usually the Dev stream is on Fridays, so it makes since that next we we get teaser on the 29th, and then dev stream Friday, and dev server weekend

Could you show some footage?

Also worth noting
Dev-stable being updated is good indication that dev server will open at some point in very near future

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British IFV’s

We need to keep our hopes 🫥

Air cool stuff

I was talking about sky guardians, which the friday of that week is the 24th, resulting the dev stream to be delayed to the following day: but of course, this wont be a thing this year.

What if this is not a simple T-80UD, but the one that was transferred to the USA?

If anyone doesn’t know, 4 T-84s were transferred to the USA under the designation T-80UD.


I think last time @gszabi99_HUN told us on either a Tuesday or Wednesday the week it all dropped, so yeah if we see that happens, then it’s pretty much confirmation that we will see everything else follow

Idk all i have now is this indian jaguar event with fenc missiles

Well. I would prefer sea venom faw, with rp-3 1000lb. And more powerful engine.

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Ajax denied

Su-30, essentially an overhauled interceptor variant of the Su-27PU, should have the appropriate radar to equip the R-77. I haven’t seen any open, English-based sources, that say otherwise. Certainly, by the time of the Su-30M, and the parallel package of tech released for the Su-27SM, there would be a Fox-3 carrier for the USSR.

I’ve been arguing that if they release Fox-3’s in the next update, they should just add the Su-30M and Su-30MKK for the USSR and China respectively.

Not bri’işĥ air stuff

I’m very Skeptical, as they are essentially T-84’s that are just mislabeled, and they are also Ukrainan, so I best to avoid any controversy, were just getting the normal Soviet T-80UD, tho I would love to see a T-84 TBH

just gimme some god damn fixes for leopards and challengers and im happy

PzH 2000 As well (premium 8.0 for lols)

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That is already 1990 thingy plane

Doesn’t necessitate anything. Gripen A could also use AMRAAM’s, perhaps this one keeps the A’s and the C gets the C’s or D’s, with the E getting Meteor down the line.

Equally, the 37D could also use AMRAAM.