Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


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If F15C comes in march, then F15E in summer, where are the so many new jets everyone is pointing towards? I beg to be enlightened!!

I think I got the Hungarian Gripen info wrong as I can’t find it anymore

You realize there is more then one version of a single plane right?

youre out of your mind

So lets say, F15C and SU27U come next update. They have at hand AIM120C and R77 (maybe R77-1). Ok everything alright till now?

Summer update: F15E, maybe maybe F18 super hornet, and SU35 maybe? or even a newer SU27 if it even exists

Lets talk in russian and american jets for simplicity so we can have a conversion ok buds?

New tutorials for more munitions, though I don’t think you mean this :P

Finnish Hornet is no-brainer tbh
There is Finnish line in the Swedish tech tree that ends with 21bis
AFAIK, the Hornet ultimately replaced aging 21s and Drakens in Finnish Air Force.

Yes just not in the next update because they clearly stated so

what makes you think they’d come in back to back updates?

why do you think they need keep adding shit?
they can also pause for like a year

It’s the US tree. They can’t go an Update without a meta change plane. remember?

because why not? it has been always like this pretty much since Tomcats were added. Why should I play top tier when I already have F15A? Same will go for F15C.

For a game like War Thunder, new content is a must
New content kind of keeps the game alive


Maybe but maybe, f35s wont come next december, but I can bet anything that next year they will.

yea but it doesnt need to be air lol
before we got into that rush of adding new shit we had long breaks between new planes

F-35 next year are you out of your mind?


exactly, plus i dont think i said that they will be so close apart as in dates. I simply put that F35s are close as in update numbering. So like 4 updates? is that so far away

I thought you were saying that yesterday to anger the British with the Tejas. Tejas is not a possibility, it never was. He is not rejected out of formality with India.


I’ll summarize the matter for you: the purchase of aircraft with supersonic capacity was authorized in the 2020 national budget. There were many offers (even from before), but only 4 aircraft were evaluated: MiG-35, Hal Tejas, JF-17 Block III and F-16 A/B MLU.

MiG35 fell quickly due to the Ukrainian conflict, Tejas has too many British components so it was never seriously considered (it was not rejected due to a diplomatic formality with India).

The two that remained last year were the JF-17 and the F-16. At the end of the year there were presidential elections: a pro-Chinese candidate vs a pro-American candidate. Win the last one. Simultaneously, the Air Force sent the executive branch the choice of its multirole fighter: F-16. At the same time, the North American Congress approved the transfer. All that remains is the signature of the new president. Although the decision has already been made, given the current economic situation (basically a lot of inflation) it would be unpopular to announce the purchase of combat aircraft (especially since Argentine society is against the purchase of weapons after the military dragged us into a unnecessary war conflict with the British, ignoring other avenues of negotiation). Although it is not officially announced for these reasons that I mentioned, the air bases (new runways) are already being prepared and pilots are being trained. Work is also being done on an F-16 pilot training center (that is why 8 two-seaters were requested and I suppose it has to do with the number of F-16s in the world and the increase in conflicts on a global scale).
In short, the choice is the Danish F-16A/B MLU block 15 tape 6.5 (European standard, equivalent to a Block 50 in capabilities). They are just waiting for the “appropriate” moment to announce it so that the president does not lose his head in the attempt.

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So the F18 C can also come because “why not” right? Your reason doesn’t make sense when looked at the things you said