huh never heard of it
Understandable xD
I just want an Abrams capable of withstanding 9.7 shells :')
And, ideally and realistically, more.
Just search up the forum im sure somebody made a suggestion for it
jesus christ
If Israeli jets get a IR missile better than everything else currently in-game in every metric (except for range because R27ET exists), then it’s only fair for the US to get a jet better than everything else currently in-game in every metric (except for top speed because F-15 and MiG-23 exist)
Is the trailer supposed to be this week?
na the only SPG im waiting for is the AS-90
could easily get 3 versions 2 tech tree and a premium
the tech tree ones being the AS-90 and AS-90 Braveheart, the premium being the Polish AHS Krab
except theres more nations than just those two. and i wouldnt say an ir missile is equivalent to a “new” gen 5 platform
Which is why neither should be added right now
I mean, that would be true if they were the only two nations in the game, but they’re not, so it’s a dumb take
give him f22 with nothing but the aim9b coz funny
But still 14.3
We do have info showing that the sepv3s armor (NEA or NGAP) was designed around modern realistic threats and emerging threats. I know Gaijin wants hard numbers for armor Implementation
which they will never get since it’s classified. But regarding the sepv3s hull armor if the army managed to get 500 plus armor in the hull of the abrams in the 90s which is 30s years ago. Im sure the army is very capable of getting 600 plus armor on the sepv3s hull considering the whole reason for sepv3 was a response to the t14 armada and other emerging threats.
Could probably only fit down to AIM-9L
give uz numba
Tbf, from what I can see, you can literally just add a small bit of history, a picture of the vehicle you want, and it gets approved there. Seems like there are vastly different rules compared to here when it comes to suggestions. From what I know however, the Leo 1 OTOMATIC never went to Germany, and was put on Italian Leo 1 hulls.
Agreed. If Gaijin used a remotely sensible guesstimation, M1A2 SEPv3 would be at least 590mm KE on the hull, designed to withstand up to 3BM59. A figure which interestingly though matches many estimates as well.
However and sadly, it will most likely not be the case. Gaijin will go with the 500mm KE figure (if we are lucky) and demand sources providing specific KE values to change this.
That being said, I still look forward to M1A2 SEPv3 in hopes that they implement it sensibly. Chances are low, but never zero; so I cling to the small possibility.
which I would assume it would be an event tank since its very similar to the Otomatic, still waiting for what I think is called the Draco the Otomatic turret on a Centaruo