Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Do you suggest any of the Russia discount bundles? Especially the Ka-50 one

The low tier bundle has insane value

All NATO MBTs have their armor values inaccurate. Not only top tier, but 2A4s too

Yeah, it gives 7K GE for such low price but they don’t really have grind value.

Oh, but that’s without governor, a non-standard operation method. Technically, even the Challengers could do that; but the governors limit the top speed to manageable degrees as to avoid transmission, wheel and track damages.


Well, if you want to grind the air tree, get the MiG-23ML, if you want to grind the ground tree, get the TURMS-T. Can’t really suggest the Ka-50 bundle unless you REALLY want to grind the heli tree.


they should let you remove governor as a modification

Or you want to be as annoying as possible

So… when will we be getting more leaks?

am expecting the PL-8B and the Python-4 too being added for the existent platforms in the israeli tree giving the actual situation of Typhoon and Rafale being the most dominants jets in the game like you said i find this the perfect time to add both missiles and finally china and israel is gonna get his own developed IRCCM missiles with high offboresight capabilities it would be really cool too have them because it would give to those 2 nations a capability that they didnt have and also in the case of israel it would revamp some jets performance and also would make them more unique in comparison with others american made jets making them an actual sidegrade.

Approximately between no and infinity

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nah let it be a feature, prolonged use will damage transmission/tracks/engine>require to repair

I could kill and die for a Leo 2a4 with DM33 and C tech armor

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Dunno what to think about that. They would have to introduce reliability stuff if they were to do that and reliability is hard to get right.

just make it increase repair cost

No problem with adding reliability to APCR and APDS tho…

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I can see the PL-8B, but the Python 4 would be a stretch, it’s much better than the 8B for one, but also it destroys the parity between the US and Israel, and Gaijin aren’t likely to piss off the US mains to help Israel out

Thanks for the advice.

Lol no

every object tank in the russian tree screamed out all at once