Al-Fao the 210mm armed Al-pha

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  • No
  • Yes, as event reward
  • Yes, as BP reward
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  • 6.7
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  • I said no
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  • USSR(the time period the Al-Fao was built the Soviets and Iraqis were sudo-allies)
  • A Independent Iraqi tree
  • A Arab League tree
  • I said no
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Today I’d like to suggest a Iraqi prototype designed and built by Canadian designer Gerald Bull the same man who designed the more well known G6 SPH which we already have in game, so consider the Al-Fao the bigger sibling to the G6.

The story of the Al-Fao beings in 1981 when Gerald Bull was hired by Saddam Hussein to work on larger and more powerful projectile-hurling guns than project HARP which Bull had been a main part of, so with Bull being hired for Project Babylon the Al-Fao was one of the results of the project along with it’s sister the Majnoon which was a 155mm SPG, Bull would work on these gun systems along with the Big Babylon and Baby Babylon guns until his unfortunate assassination in March of 1990.

The Al-Fao(also sometimes called the G7) would be built in Europe and then publicly displayed in Baghdad in 1989 however it isn’t known if the Al-Fao ever went into service with the Iraqi army and as none were captured in the 1991 gulf war is it safe to assume that the project was cancelled soon after Bull’s assassination.

The Al-Fao whilst being built on a wheeled chassis was found to not be robust enough for the gun requiring the massive muzzle brake seen here.

Crew: 6 (Driver, Gunner, Commander and 3 Loaders)

Armament: 210mm L/53 cannon(that’s a 11.13m long gun!)
Elevation: 0° to +55°
Traverse +40° left and right 80° total
Muzzle velocity: 997m/s
Projectile weight: 109.4kg/241.2lbs
ROF: max - 4rds/m sustained - 1rd/m

Top Speed: 90km/h on road, 60-70km/h cross country

Weight: 48,000kg, 105822lbs, 48t

I hope everyone finds this suggestion interesting and if anyone has more information on this vehicle I’d greatly appreciate it as there are things that I obviously couldn’t find like ammo stowage, and the explosive mass of the shells so if you have that information please share so I can make this suggestion as good as possible!






1.Saddam's Supergun And Verne's Columbiad: Science Fiction in the News
2.Al-Fao | Military Wiki | Fandom
3.Iraqi heavy artillery pre Desert Storm | Secret Projects Forum


+1 for more glass cannons! Looks amazing haha

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I’d love to see it added lol, I just honestly don’t know who it’d possibly go to lol, but holy cow that 210mm gun would be so much fun to bonk people with hehehe


No idea where it would go, but i am sure there will be introduced a fitting Techtree in a while, too good not to be added ;) It would definitely be a glass cannon haha

Event vehicle for Britain via South Africa maybe? There’s at least a tech link which is more than can be said for every other nation in game.


this was made for Iraq, not South Africa, it’s just basically a upscaled G6 designed by the same guy that designed the G6, it being made for Iraq is why I’m not entirely sure who it’d go to


I’m not saying the Al-Fao was made for South Africa, I’m just saying that from what I can see online it was based on the G6’s design so there’s a technology link.

huh, maybe then, either way whoever it goes to I don’t really care, I just want to bonk people on the head with a 210mm HE shell lol


+1, I can see this being a great battle pass reward and since it’s Iraqi, the USSR? If we don’t already have some sort of Iraqi home tree by the time it’s added.

Yeah, 100% agree lol

I found this forum post when i did a reverse google image search. It was a post in Arabic about both the Al-Fao & the Majnun, which I ran through google translate.

One of the things that are mentioned, is that the shells for the 210mm cannon that had a range of 45 to 57km are of the type ERFB (Extended Range Full Bore) & ERFB-BB (Extended Range Full Bore-Base Bleed).

It also mentions the dimensions of the vehicle itself, it being as follows:

“The Al-Faw howitzer was about 15 meters long, 3.5 meters wide, 3.6 meters high and weighed 48 tons.”

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Heck yeah, a G6 on steroids

(Should go to Britain unless the Iraq gets turned into a subtree though)

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does the reload make it an event vehicle?

It would depend on how many rounds the autoloader can hold, but I feel like it would be better as an event vehicle either way


love me howitzers, simple as.

+1 to Britain

Then what if I add more chaos? it’s said the Chinese 127 Factory’s researcher helped in the design and building of Al-Fao, mainly Gerald Bull’s Chinese students.
edit: 127 Factory is the main design/production company of large caliber cannons.

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