Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I’ll just be enjoying the Mirage 2000-5F for a few months longer, then.

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When you have Eurofighter at home.

No but seriously though the Mirages are freakin’ awesome. I love my Cs4 to death! My best performing rank 8 by quite a bit. Better than my 29G actually

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Keep saying that louder, I have a vested interest in the market demand for them increasing, please and thank you

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I already said more than I should have.
The snail must not learn that Mirages are good and enjoyable, lest they be nerfed!


Watch the Mirage 2000-5F Mk 2 be added, only for it to somehow end up worse than the -5F.

Gaijin has no idea the amount of GE I’ll buy once they add this…

Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2):

Given this video comment, I’m sure they know it’s iconic enough to warrant featuring. Remember the Kings of Battle teaser they showcased the Type 81c, not iconic at all, but long awaited top tier SPAA for Japan.

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I wouldn’t know how that would happen but I am not well versed enough in Mirage details to know what the Mk2 would add over the 5F.

Game wise what I know is:

Cs4 is the most basic variant of the 2000 we have in game I think.
Cs5 is the same jet with different (more) countermeasure pod on it and it has MAWS.
5F is the same jet again with more hardpoints and MICA intergration.

The -5F in game is also not a -5F, since the only variant that can use the Damocles pod and PGMs is the -9, the export version of the -5F Mk 2.

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Wait wait. We have a jet thats called the -5F. But it has the DAMOCLES pod, which as you say can only be carried by the Mirage 2000 - 9. Which is a the export version of the -5F mk2.

So we have the -5F mk2, which is actually the 9, but then probably missing most of the other stuff?

Well that is kind of interesting.

Back on topic though I dont think an actual 5F mk2 would come anytime soon. Maybe some backtracking after Rafale is introduced. I think Gaijin might be setting up the “super deltas” with the (as of yet uncomfirmed) J10 and J10A.

The -9 also has the better radar of the -5F and, to my knowledge, can’t use Super 530s, so what we have is a weird mash up of the two variants.

No f18, but maybe the mini f18 could be added.


Yep they did a mixup in all thoses Mirages variant wich is sad because i think this stop more add to come (Mirage 2000-5F MkII, Mirage 2000-9 etc…) for the fighter line (i hope in the future one of them could joing the TT and the other be a top tier premium, for the future).

But there is still hope for advanced Mirage 2000D, like the 2000D R2, or even better for actual meta, the 2000D RMV that can use MICAs, since the Striker line didn’t moved since long time now, without adds.


They can have mine instead.

I’m hoping that the Mirage 2000-5F Mk 2 is added after the -5F, with the -9 being added in the attacker line, after the Mirage F1CT, and the Mirage 2000D RMV being at the end of the bomber line.
Then, I’d like for the Rafale C’s to be in the first fighter line, and the Rafale M’s in the second.


Nah Gaijin will stick up the finger at France and give us the Rafale A, when we ask for actual production rafales they’ll just say “no you have the A” for like a whole year lmao.


/S (hopefully)

Rafale C after the fighter line, Rafale B after the Stricker/bomber line, Rafale M after a… Navy line, if something like that is made, or after the Mirage 4000 ^^

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I think Gaijin wants the second line to be Imported/Naval/Test vehicles, so the M is probably going there


But Etendards should move place if thats the case :p

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No one bought it, and all that exists are photos.
I have a feeling it was just a MiG-23MLD dressed up to look extra pretty and show off

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This leak list is very insulting for french players.