Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I’m reading a blog from an old Aussie military magazine and they said they wanted something with extreme HOBS capabilities, even more so the R-73M. They probs chose the ASRAAM because it had a better hit percentage against maneuvering targets then the python.

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heard the f18 has been denied for this update, is this true?


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Yeah they were abnormally concerned about the R-73 lol




Now do It with an IRIS-T hehe

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Is this because it takes so little effort to make the vehicle? Technically speaking, the work performed for one vehicle addition prevents work from being performed for other vehicles, would it not?.


The leak said CTWV ICV and RCV is coming next does anyone know if true or not true?

This gives me “you want a Leo2a7V equivalent? You only get M1A2 SepV2. Deal with it.” vibes.

tbh i dont understand why, it would fit perfectly into the game rn with the current missiles (9M and amraam)

also, Mbombe 8 when?


No one does untill more dev blogs or dev server/stream

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Fingers cross it is true, would be good to have a filler for 10.0-10.7 for japan

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also i hope gaiijn ends support on ps4 and xbox one soon, they are restricting how good the game can be

I would like for japan to have new IFV, same for France because they dont have a high tier tech tree one.

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The emblem of this plane looks like PLAAF 🤪


And lose money? Seems like a bad business decision

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Ima leave that up to you these Australians don’t have any graphs on that lol

Regional enemies go brrrrrr

In the article about the python 4 they actually mentioned India not China though so who knows