Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Agreed but gaijin does what gaijin wants which is unfortunate since the swiss should be with france

Aussie vark WILL be in chinese tree, mark my words.

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wait for tomorrow then. ausi C for UK

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Checkmark should be J10A right? It has the HMD and 6x PL-12s 2x PL-8(B)s


Probably because the F-111Ks never made it out of here:


I hope gaijin will add user friendly mechanic for GPS bombs

they don’t believe that part of the leak because they don’t want to

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Actually you are all wrong, the Aussie V is going to China. They will recieve all the power.

So setting target point by looking at it?

Hmmm I do wish there was a way to set target point without line of sight, as this is what you do IRL. For example by clicking on the tactical map.

This way you could prepare your drop some time in advance, very useful if you have to pop out from behind terrain/over a mountain.

Hmm, so yeah, no UK Vark

But they are litrually spreading false infomation at this point.

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Also its not just the dutch with the mexas armor, the version in the trailer looks pretty similar to the Danish CV. Also both the dutch and Danish have CV’s with armor its just that the dutch currently also have the D model turret.

Heres a danish cv with the armor.


wanna play the game again? :D

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I’ve got all day

so do I, it looks like we saw some kind of GPS designation in the A-10C’s HUD so that’s got me hopeful


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Can you reveal where the F-111C is going? Or are you just going to enjoy the arguments for now? (Which I respect)

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maybe buddy lasing is coming

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Those were IFF markings afaik
No laser or GPS Designation

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