Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

@Smin1080p_WT will the P-16 have bombs ?

did sth happen?

im busy watching movies with the women

I mean, you know where the Abrams AIM went, right?

Stop spreading fasle infomation


I don’t think Gaijin will model an IR missile with a range of 20+ miles and the ability to pull stupid G…
Although OZ F-111s can carry them…

Unknown yet, but keep coping.

You are doing the same as what you are accusing the leak of.



No way copy&past for the Mirage, as the Swiss S/RS had different modifications. Swiss built engine, Huges Radar, VHF/UHF radio, RWR, JATO, SEPR, ALE-40, Falcon AIM-26, Canards, …

So if GJ wants to deliver a Swis Mirage replica, then they need to do modifications

I’ve read that they only trialed them, not integrated

My problem is whether they actually model it correctly with all its systems, cause gaijin cleary didn’t care about my nations cv9035 enough to add half of its equipment so the likelihood of the Dutch being given the same treatment may be a pretty big chance

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yes, those are Ausi tails


Not sure what the battleship way at the back is, but the boats in the middle distance look to be VLT-1 and a Vosper 70ft.
Not sure what the two closer ones are. I think I remember those dark green torpedoes as being unused, but I’ll have to re-check the CDK to be sure.

As above, but from a different angle.

These ones are too far away to make out, so I can’t tell at all.


CN-focused update trailer including the Swiss P-16

PL-9C is just PL-8B+PL-5 with IRCCM,So it is the same as the PL-8B seeker


The main external difference between the 35DK and 35NL is that we use an add on armor package, which seems to be modeled in the teaser.

Could be the case, I was reading a test scenario where the F-111 could theoretically use its HMD to engage a Su-27 behind them using an ASRAAM.


Can’t wait for people feel bored. (Cause no one likes playing CN)

BTW it was a joke don’t take it seriously please.


I do

Who said China is boring? Low tier China is extremely fun

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