Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)



hmmmmmm, suspicius

Honestly, the only way they can disappoint even further after two days of no devblogs is to have some random tier 1 coastal reserve ship devblog. Which honestly is what, is probably going to happen.:((



Respectfully, rejection isn’t the problem. Being tagged as “acknowledged” and then nothing happening for months or years is.

I think I speak for many here when I say that bug reports, particularly long-standing ones, could use more resources/attention.

Of course we need a stream of new content to satisfy players, but if the quality of existing content is not taken more seriously the backlog of issues will grow and grow until players lose confidence in the historical/technical fidelity of War Thunder, which is it’s main selling point.


Yea, honestly its just “tactical” putting on the backburner to keep the bug/problem intentionally going. Like Merkava armour, Leclerc turret rotation speed (among other issues), Namer 30, among others.
They can say they havent rejected it and are looking into it while actually doing nothing.


Or going to the effort of testing and then carefully reporting an issue in-game, sending it too multiple tech mods over the course of several months and the report still going un-acknowledge without reason or response

For Example: Community Bug Reporting System

Its also not even vehicle specfic problems, but game-wide gameplay bugs that actually have quite a major impact. Like: Community Bug Reporting System


For suggestions, nothing can happen and staff forget to update the report.

For bugs, it’s more waiting for a feature that’s not in-game currently.
There’s also a chance that they’re waiting in the queue.

Also @Morvran , dampening isn’t attitude autopilot, it’s to dampen your inputs to make them smoother.
War Thunder is a bit behind on autopilot controls having none currently.

enough debating on where the f111c goes can all Australian stuff please just go to 1 tree, ive spent 5 years in this game and have like 1.6 trees fully unlocked. i just wanna play my nations vehicles in a lineup before im 50



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Then surely unstable flight should be a commonality accross every aircraft then?

But in many many aircraft (and myself and another person tested quite a few) like for example the Jaguar Gr1A. Its unstable in the same manner as the Tornado with 0% elevation trim in manual, but flies dead straight without issue when damping is applied. So either every aircraft should have a trim set when in damping for more stable flight, or none should. It shouldnt be cherry picked.

Im not suggesting that the Tornado Damping mode be auto-pilot but to have 2% elevation trim set to it as seems to be the case for many other aircraft. Either that or allow trim to be set whilst in damping modes

Certain youtubers going bust soon without a devblog to make a 100, 20 minute rambling videos about…


Even getting a report to be tagged as acknowledged is a challenge. Half the reports made don’t get tagged when they’ve been up for years.


No have Hope we will get a teaser.

We have reviewed your request and decided to grant it, all Australian vehicles will be added to the Swedish tree from now on.

  • Gaijin maybe, 2024 I guess?

I am sad about the waste of time, hype and resources French coastal will turn out to be, honestly.

I would wager not even 100 people will play them, since they will be a niche sub-mode tree of a niche nation on a niche mode.

Let’s be real; most people who play Naval seek battles with mighty Battleships and Battlecruisers, not floating SPAA gameplay. That’s why there was so much backlash back in 2016 when Naval was announced not to have plans for any form of bluewater ships until this was changed; and why people pressured Gaijin to separate Coastal from Bluewater so the boats didn’t get in the way to grind for large ships.

Like… when people join Naval, they say; “boy, I can’t wait to play Schanhorst!” not: “boy, I can’t wait to play R-130 motor gun boat!”

It is, only aircraft with FBR systems does dampening keep nose where you point it for whatever reason.
This also means F-14 is shafted along with all F-4s, F-1C, all Soviet aircraft, etc.

Oh, and trim doesn’t work in dampening period.

Well, if not today’s teaser, then when is Gaijin??? Moreover, during the marathon, it will be strange to release a new one later. Please give me a teaser and my soul will be at peace

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The problem is… Some bug reports get fixed within weeks others take 1+ years. And there isnt really any indication as to why and there are many examples of bugs that should be easy to fix that havent been. The one that jumps out to me the fastest is the Sea Harrier FRS1 missing its radar gunsight:

This is a 7 month old report. The FA2, which has the same model, guns and even the same placeholder HUD. has radar gunsight. Should be a simple C&P over to the FRS1

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